Pretty sure the catholic church is not against a pope of color, but I think never a woman pope.
The WTS would accept colored leaders and women eventually I think,
sending a messenger nearly 2000 years in advance to preach the coming of gods kingdom, and leaving the message to be carried out by his followers who would practice just the opposite of his message [eg.
catholics cannot accept a pope if he is from a black community or if sex is female, just like jws could not tolerate a black/woman wt president, which is in sharp contrast to what jesus himself practicedhe showed no partiality with regard to sex or communityhe elevated a samaritan woman sharing with her great truth, even before he did it with his own male-disciplesjohn chapter 4].
claiming something as his own, and then allowing it to decay do not befit gods superlative style!.
Pretty sure the catholic church is not against a pope of color, but I think never a woman pope.
The WTS would accept colored leaders and women eventually I think,
the plan is to build many new kingdom halls with the "commercial' appearance.
store front flat roof etc.
after completion the gb will announce the tribulation is upon us!
the purpose of this topic is twofold.. first, any who are endlessly fascinated by scholarship, practised by genuine bible scholars, are urged by me to do what i did, subscribe to bart ehrman's blog.
the subscription money (as little as $3.95) goes entirely to charity.. secondarily, by broadening our view of the new testament era on up through two millennia to the present day, our knowledge of all things 'christian' is deepened to include actual knowledge (as opposed to watchtower fabrication.
by this i don't mean to imply you'll fall to your knees and get saved, but rather, you'll simply have facts to inform your present transitional mindset toward whatever end you finally choose.. now .
Some things in early Christianity can be traced to earlier beliefs from other faiths thru time....but there is only one religion where a man claimed to be God and 2000 years later, 1 out of every 5 people [or more] on the whole planet believe it.
just saying
hello all... i currently studying the bible teach book and i'm just curious what information does the study conductor record about the student and is it passed on??
and they keep on saying "the truth" which is starting to get on my nerves.
And they always call it the Truth which gets in my nerves. I admit the same thing. I was never a witness, but I went to more than a few meetings and watched my brother and his wife get baptized. Always thought the phrase was arrogant.
The quote that always stuck with me as the ultimate no brainer to run like hell was when my brother would say...and I quote "lying for the Truth" Later he told me how he regretted ever telling me that. Why?? Because even he could see how messed up that was. Now they call it " theocratic warfare". Warfare that gets conducted against potential converts as well as their own flock. Madness
just saying
i'm looking for some clever comebacks.
i really don't care that i am an apostate, but would like to deliver a quick comeback or two to perhaps make the other person think.
any suggestions most welcome.
Good replies Island Man
I think one could say that any self proclaimed Christian sect [aside from the Catholics] is an apostate from Catholicism. Just from a historical standpoint, they were the only Christian game for over 1000 years, right?
just saying
once i was talking to myself: religions are all about sacrifices (and rituals), viewing god as a means to get forgiveness of sins and material benefits, and bible is no exception.
yet the foundation of the universe is on the never-failing principle of cause and consequences, something which god will never violate.
forgiveness of sins is a violation of principle of cause and consequencessomething that bible itself ironically upholds in galatians 6:7 and in many other verses!
So you're telling me that an atom in my fingernail could hold a whole, little universe?
just asking
i'm sure we could all write long paragraphs about this question, but in a few words, what is your biggest regret, or frustration in life due to being a witness?.
what missed opportunities did it cost you?
admittedly, mine is hollow and shallow compared to everyone elses.
I just wanted to comment after reading all the others.
i'm sure we could all write long paragraphs about this question, but in a few words, what is your biggest regret, or frustration in life due to being a witness?.
what missed opportunities did it cost you?
Wow! What a read! I just read every post and feel so sad for so many of you. I am not a JW, my brother and his family are and have been for decades, that said, i have a big regret.
About 10 years ago, my JW brother was very sick and in intensive care in the hospital. Surrounded by his worldly family and not one JW from his cong [aside from his wife and children]. He was having a crisis of JW faith and we [his siblings] encouraged him to keep his faith [we had no idea how bad the WTS truly was].
Looking back, that was a huge miss that we could have used to perhaps help free him from this terrible cult.
i heard a preist pose this question and i'll admit, it made me think.. if your neighbor had a dog and a monkey and his dog bite you.
would you accept an apology from the neighbors monkey?.
just asking.
Like I said. The analogy made me think. Not saying that I'm buying or selling it.
just saying I suppose
i heard a preist pose this question and i'll admit, it made me think.. if your neighbor had a dog and a monkey and his dog bite you.
would you accept an apology from the neighbors monkey?.
just asking.
Apognophos - The analogy goes like this. God is the man who gets bit by the neighbors {Jesus's} dog {us humans}. God [the Father, more specifically] needs correction. Does a monkey {Angel Michael} satisfy the correction? I think no. Now, how is Jesus the neighbor? Colossians 1;16 says that allthings were created by Jesus for Jesus. So Jesus created all things that were created. The monkey and the dog are his.
Thank God I answered that one before I saw One Eyed Joe's comment. I had to stop writing for 10 minutes before writing again because I was laughing so hard! That;s a good one....until you look more closely. My analogy has legs...just saying
Sloppy Joe, are you related to One Eyed Joe? You guys are killing it!
The Truth Shall Set Us Free - For the Father loved the world so much that he sent his only begotten son to die for us. I didn't say that, the bible did. ps I like your name.
Terry - you mean that in an atom in my finger, there could be a whole little universe?!?
the truth will set you free TTWSYF