I'm sure we could all write long paragraphs about this question, but in a few words, what is your biggest regret, or frustration in life due to being a witness?
What missed opportunities did it cost you?
by stuckinarut2 76 Replies latest jw experiences
I'm sure we could all write long paragraphs about this question, but in a few words, what is your biggest regret, or frustration in life due to being a witness?
What missed opportunities did it cost you?
Regret would be developing friendships only among other JWs and not allowing non-JWs to get close enough to be considered a friend. Thus, marrying from the limited pool of JWs.
Missed opportunities. Not getting an education. Believing that the Watchtower and Awake! provided a well-rounded education equivalent to a college degree.
I was a qualified chemical analyst before I joined the cult, I gave it up to pioneer and my husband supported me. We divorced and I can't get my old job back. I regret giving up my career for the GB. Kate xx
My biggest regret/resentment was not going on to College . I was an honor role student all through High School ,and my Grandfather even offered to help me pay for College ....but the END WAS SO CLOSE !!! Instead I got married the day after H.S. graduation to another JW ,afraid if we waited the END would come before we had the chance .
I would say the biggest regret is that I NEVER pursued any of my interests or talents because they were "bad" and the end was so close. Now my youth is gone. It's not that I regret all of my life choices, it's just that all my choices were never really mine. I was allowed to "choose" from certain items that were already picked out for me, so to speak. Everything from recreation to a marriage partner was strictly regulated. My "choices" were picked for me.
I never got laid before I got married.....
I took Geology in high school and did well enough in it to get a schoolarship. However my dad told me: "No no no. Jws don't travel over the world and miss meetings." So I never did it.
" However my dad told me: "No no no. Jws don't travel over the world and miss meetings."
Think of the MILLIONS of children who never pursued anything because of the cult. The cure for cancer may have been lost because a little JW had to sit at meetings and learn about Lot banging his daughters. Maybe little Caleb on JW.Borg will make a video about why education is bad.
Education. I wasn't a JW through High School and I partied for a couple of years before taking ahold of "the truth" before I fell off the deep end. But the discipline of getting an education would have been just as good for rescuing me from my self-destruct and it would have opened doors for my career. I also would not have married a crazy JW lady. I would have married a crazy "worldly" lady instead.
i won't say that it has been a complete waste of time. Almost, though.
I would say the biggest regret is that I NEVER pursued any of my interests or talents because they were "bad" and the end was so close. Now my youth is gone. It's not that I regret all of my life choices, it's just that all my choices were never really mine. I was allowed to "choose" from certain items that were already picked out for me, so to speak. Everything from recreation to a marriage partner was strictly regulated. My "choices" were picked for me.
You nailed it !!