did the minions ride at universal
it was awesome
did the minions ride at universal
it was awesome
that poor fellow was crazy no matter what his religious philosophy.
just saying
i'd like to list some beliefs within judaism and christianity that bear a resemblance to older pagan beliefs.
the wts is deceptive when they selectively point out such parallels, but only with respect to beliefs they reject.. for example, the wts argues that the origin of the concept of the immortal soul is in egyptian and babylonian mythology, both of which espoused such a concept.
but they neglect to also point out that babylonians wrote flood accounts similar to the noah story before the writing of genesis, or that baptism was practiced in pagan religions before the birth of christ.
Almost every culture of people had tried to connect with nature, life and/or the hereafter. All pagan faiths were made [by man maybe spirit too] as a means to come closer to the source of life. As a result there are probably more than a few pagan beliefs that may have some truth.
We find truth where we find truth.
As an example I would say it is probably true that prayer with incense may be more focused because you are seemingly putting more effort then just praying without incense. Wedding bands or rings are another pagan tradition that reminds one of their commitments to their spouse.
Just an observation
i was in conversation a few weeks back with a jw i have known for at least four decades.
most of it was catching up on family stuff, he has loads of kids, some have married and produced sprogs since i left.
all news to me.. i demolished a couple of his fatuous arguments, and then he decided to scuttle away, throwing this over his shoulder as he went :.
I think you either believe the bible is the word of God or you do not.
To me Jws do neither. They will say that they believe the bible and come door to door with one.
Show them any one of the [dozens of] proof texts against their beliefs and you're the one who can't comprehend the truth.
That's been my experiences when speaking with them at my door or in my house.
just saying
today i walked up to a group of cart witnesses and picked up a watchtower.
i opened the watchtower up to the first page , and asked one of the witnesses if he had read it.. lie # 1... he said he read it.. i ask my second question to a woman witness sitting next to him , who by the way was hard to tear away from her cell phone..... "whats this watchtower about?
, "........ lie # 2 ... she said she read it , but forgot "exactly" what the main points were about..
Brandnew- Perhaps you don't know the difference between lying and theocratic warfare
if the witnesses have the truth and have been going to meetings for many years and every week they learn how to be effective in the ministry and learn about the bible on sundays and every week have a family worship night, why are they afraid to talk to anyone who doesn't agree with them or question their beliefs?
if they have the truth then nothing can refute it.
the truth is the truth.
Fear of others knowing more of the bible then they do?
I dunno.Just asking
have a good one !!.
i shall be raising a glass or ten of the black stuff to drink the health of all you good people later today.. .
A little St Patrick's day truth.
St Patrick was Scottish. He was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken to Ireland as a slave.
He escaped after several years and became a catholic priest. Later he became a bishop and the church sent him back to Ireland to convert the pagans.
No snakes
just saying
how many witnesses would take up that offer if a person at the door asked them?
if that doesn't scream out "cult"!
if you know too much about the witnesses then you are an apostate.
That is a great questions Sour.
I once heard a man say that this exact thing helped him to wake up after someone asked him that question while he was out on service. You never know what question or issue will help wake someone up. I am learning that the most innocent questions spoken in an innocent manner is often the best route. You have to disarm people in a manner of speaking.
just saying,,,,,and agreeing
hey guys,.
so i've written up a letter to my friend that i plan on sending him to try to wake him up.
he's a very sensible man who i care deeply for.
I think you should be prepared for the possibility that your friend may never Want to talk to you again. This cult reaches deep.
just saying
We follow the bible.
We are true Christians.
We are not a cult.
Sorry, that's 3