How do we know that the bible is inspired by God?
Easy, because it came from the Catholics. The evil empire according to the WTS.
just saying....cause that;s where the bible came to be [that is what books were worthy and which ones were not].
asked a friend of mine this question the other day.
here was his answer: "well, because paul said, 'all scripture is inspired of god...'".
but seriously, that argument is like saying, "the bible is inspired because it says so!
How do we know that the bible is inspired by God?
Easy, because it came from the Catholics. The evil empire according to the WTS.
just saying....cause that;s where the bible came to be [that is what books were worthy and which ones were not].
after reading that great post about the june 1 article on science i got to thinking.
although it is great to believe there is this huge group of guys in the jw writing department that are constantly looking to mislead us by twisting the words of scientist etc... i really think it is more likely they are google researchers that do not have the ability to grasp the thoughts that are being expressed in the scientific article they quote mine from.. i honestly believe the reason that this happens is because of the individuals they use to write these magazines.
these are not college educated men.
The sad truth is that 'THE TRUTH" tm. is a cult. And being a cult, they will say/write/promote ANYTHING to keep it's members in place and offer the ability to expand. The ancient idea that Rutherford latched on to [that is 'the end is nigh'] has been pushed along for centuries now from the bible students.
Bible students? That is quite debatable at best. Not for the members of the WTS, but from their own publications.
Just saying....that lying for the truth allows you to say ANYTHING.
my father passed away this week.
we are going to have a funeral for him.
he was not a witness for many years but a lot of his family is still associated.
not sure if my title is correct.
what i noticed is that in say secular bible research documentation, books, lectures etc, one never (or at least i have never read it) reads a quote from one of the former or current wbts leaders nor do i ever see a reference to one of their publication (unless it is article about the jw/wbts itself).. for example, if you read a book on a bible theme or topic written by a scholar or other bible teachers/professors from prof xyz, you will find often in these books a reference to publications / statements / quotes from other scholars or professors.
but never have i seen a reference to say a wt publication or quote / statement from one the leaders of the organisation.. so, despite the million page printed or conferences organised by the wbts, the material apparently is never considered of value to others or to use as reference material.. in my view, that says a lot..... or am i wrong?
I remember this exact issue when I was reading the booklet 'should you believe in the trinity'. Lots of info with no references.
Why no references? Very obviously many if not most of the claims were made up. Notice how many JW/WTS books are out of publication? Once people get wind of the BS, the WTS has to pull the book/booklet and fill the void with a new book of lies......lying for the truth....
if they knock my door, i want them to explain me what this cartoon mean......
Yes, my tone was very snarky
if they knock my door, i want them to explain me what this cartoon mean......
Could be an accurate depiction depending who was the pope. There were definitely more than a handful of anti popes thru out the Church's history.
Luckily for the Catholics, Jesus said the gates of hell would not prevail against His church
the bible says so much about so many things.
is there an organization that does everything the bible says?
painfully reading an article of may 15, 2015 (extra-simplified edition) and again observed this phraseology: the bible does not say, but .... so, did satan hope to tempt her with the luxurious palaces of pharaoh and abimelech?
did satan think that she would betray her husband and even jehovah by marrying one of those kings?
the bible does not say, but it is very likely that the devil would have been overjoyed if sarah had lost the opportunity to become part of the messiahs family line.. .
i've been fascinated with this topic for some time now, almost to the point of obsession.
after researching the issue for several years, i have come to a conclusion/theory that i would love to receive some feedback on.
this theory of mine is one that will be somewhat unsettling to both those who believe the divine name was used in the original nt scripts as well as those who believe it wasn't.
To me, if you are a Christian, I would ask 'Why would you be more interested in God's proper name which is so very subjective and not be interested in the one name that God put above all others?' The one name that you need for salvation.
Just saying
i find it hard to believe that adults on this forum make such a big deal about not celebrating birthdays, x-mas, easter, halloween, etc, etc, etc.
i grew up as a jw kid and it actually made me feel good, being different from the other kids in school.
we went to meetings.
Wow! Just reading all of these posts and I can;t believe the angry replies. I would have a tough time responding to so much angry backlash from a post.
I would like to remind everyone of the obvious truth..
You go with what you know. That not only rhymes, it also rings true too.
So this dude may be brainwashed, or may be a troll or maybe had a happy childhood in spite of being brought up as a witness. Having a non JW dad was huge and I for one am happy that he may have had a little more balance than someone brought up by strict JW parents.
My sibling and his spouse are hardcore JWs. My brother is an elder and his wife drinks the koolaid too and he converted when their son was 5yrs old.
5 years of xmas, birthdays and 4th of july bbqs all gone at a moments notice. I felt awful for him. Now he's married and starting a family. I imagine that he will go with what he knows too.......
too bad