Punkofnice- Did Jesus actually exist?
There were a boat load of people who were tortured to death for a while after Jesus died. If it were not true, there would be no Christianity 2000 years later would there?
Just asking
being raised a catholic we had lots of crosses around the house.
when my family converted to this cult they were all removed and destroyed in case they had demons in them lol but at this juncture in my life i do not even know if jesus as the way he is portrayed in the bible was real.
yes a man named jesus did live and die 2000 years ago and probably on a cross but he was definitely not the son of god.
Punkofnice- Did Jesus actually exist?
There were a boat load of people who were tortured to death for a while after Jesus died. If it were not true, there would be no Christianity 2000 years later would there?
Just asking
i saw a vid on-line awhile ago, i cannot remember the title so can't find it, but the guy was some sort of expert in the languages of the bible, and he made a very good case that there has never been a proper translation of the bible.. what he was saying was that all translators fall into the same trap of an overly slavish use of the etymology of words rather than how language was actually used at the time of writing.. he said that what was needed were scholars who were familiar with secular contemporaneous writings, and knew how language was used at the time.. this looks like a very interesting argument.. any thoughts ?
This is exactly why you need biblical scholars to translate the scriptures. It is not just about the language, it's about the time, the place and the people as words mean different things to different people in different cultures even if they speak the same language throughout specific time periods.
ie 'I want to smoke a fag' or 'I'm so pissed' will mean totally different things to an American compared to a Brit.
just saying....that you need more than a greek-english or hebrew-english or aramiac-english dictionary to translate the scriptures
remember this?.
well how about this?.
How can you NOT compare the Catholic Church to the Watchtower? Look at their fruits.
The Catholic Church gave the world universities, hospitals, old age homes, orphanages, food banks, etc and is the largest charity in the world.
The Watchtower gives spiritual food at the proper time and is restoring God's real name and now is the largest publisher in the world.
They're like twinsif
being raised a catholic we had lots of crosses around the house.
when my family converted to this cult they were all removed and destroyed in case they had demons in them lol but at this juncture in my life i do not even know if jesus as the way he is portrayed in the bible was real.
yes a man named jesus did live and die 2000 years ago and probably on a cross but he was definitely not the son of god.
Typical watchtower twisting of the facts. Same as they have always been. I forget which booklet that I read it in, but something along the lines of..
Christ died on a stake because Stauros means a stake or pole in classical Greek.
The issue is that the NT is not written in classical Greek Classical. Classical Greek was not spoken for several hundred years before Christ.
The NT was written in Koine Greek and in that dialect, Stauros means both a pole or an intersecting poles [one a top the other] like a cross.
Also, Christianity was spread orally for centuries before the scriptures were confirmed. Are you going to believe that everyone telling of the Lords crucifixion was in error?
Just asking
it feels so good to be free from the jdub cult!
Welcome to the board!
jan. 15, 1960 wt.
page 53.
"since the supreme judge never makes a mistakes, there is no need for him to take under.
The men of Sodom will be resurrected.
The men of Sodom will not be resurrected.
The men of Sodom will be resurrected.
The men of Sodom will not be resurrected.
Ok, I'm confused....
has anyone come across this line of research on the new testament?
i stumbled upon it today researching the divine name, and textual criticism of the nt.
it seems that the peshitta is an aramaic translation that has been handed down through the centuries without the controversies of the greek translation.
Eden one- If I may, the Catholic Church does not like these Mary sightings. They deny every instance of any supernatural apparition until it gets to the point that they can no longer deny it. The Christian faith is set and has been since the apostles started the church some 2000 years ago. Fatima (in Portugal) , like Lordes (in France) had so much evidence as a real supernatural event that the Church HAD to accept it.
Fatima in particular had over 60,000 witnesses. Not just Catholic brain washed minions, but lots of skeptics and doubters looking to discredit the children involved and the Church too. The kids involved announced that God would give proof to the crowd on Oct13th. Tens of thousands arrived...thousands to discredit, yet every single person declared the same experience. Some as far as 20 miles away. More likely something supernatural happened there than a big hoax. At least according to those 60k witnesses.
just saying...cause I looked it up too
has anyone come across this line of research on the new testament?
i stumbled upon it today researching the divine name, and textual criticism of the nt.
it seems that the peshitta is an aramaic translation that has been handed down through the centuries without the controversies of the greek translation.
Worth reminding people that Christianity was here for hundreds of years before the new testament was compiled. Jesus started HIS church on the apostles and THEY decided what was to be promoted and what was not.
The last verification of the cannon of scriptures happened around 393ad. The cannon followed what the Christians already knew through the words that the apostles. The WORDS spoken is how Christianity was spread, not through the written word which came later.
Jesus said that no one knows the name of the Father except those whom HE tells.
just saying
first off, i certainly agree the jw's are a cult.
but i'm sensitive to black-and-white thinking now.. so, where do they rank on the scale?
think of a cultish religion scale from 0-10.. consider the likes of unitarian universalism vs baptist vs amish vs charles manson.. where do you think jw's fall on the scale?.
I would consult an expert like Steven Hassan... I have yet to do so, but that;s what I;d do to find an answer to this question
just sayin
someone named john free popped in on one of my posts at exmormon[dot]com and mentioned this website.
i have a lot of questions.
i never knew much about about the jw church.
Nice posts guys. I remember reading about some exMormons who attended BYU and they were saying how they went to that prestigious university and applied the scientific method on all of their studies...except the study of their faith. No scientific method used there. I think that when you have neurological pathways that work for other intellectual queries in place, then it must be easier to apply those pathways when you move on from the cult. That may be why Mormons can move on a little easier than JWs.
I did not apply the scientific method in my analysis....