very funny.
Remember when you bought their BS- hook, line and sinker?
Remember when you promoted their BS to other unsuspecting people?
Remember feeling guilty or dirty afterwards?
very funny.
Remember when you bought their BS- hook, line and sinker?
Remember when you promoted their BS to other unsuspecting people?
Remember feeling guilty or dirty afterwards?
last week where i live we had the worst wind storm in the history of our area.
we had gust of 71 miles an hour from 3 in the afternoon till 8 at night.
it was like a hurricane at times the wind did sound like a freight train.
You know a tree by it's fruits. JW fruits are non existent. There is NO SUCH THING as a JW fruit. So, the WTS will try to corrupt the fruits of others and call them hypocrites.
Fruits that the evil Catholic church produce seem to be lasting. For example universities, hospitals, orphanages, food banks, battered women shelters, etc make it the largest charity on the planet, yet somehow the WTS says that it's just a photo op. What a CULT!
My brainwashed nephew told me that 'You don't paint the rooms of the titanic"
Really? If it is in dock preparing for it;s journey, then you paint all of the rooms, don;t you?
Don't get me wrong, if there are 3 months left before the world ends, then by all means, save as many as you can with the gospel, but if there are 3 years or more before, then people NEED things to survive. Feed the poor, comfort the mourning, provide shelter and protection to those who have the greatest need. How do people buy into this bullsh&t?
just asking
my middle brother called me a couple of hours ago.
our youngest brother, josh, who was 38, was found by his friends in his apartment.
he hung himself.
Josh and your whole family are in mine and my family's prayers. Very sorry for your loss.
my husband asked me a questions that kind of stumped me for a moment.
he asked, in genesis, when cain killed abel, and god, as punishment cursed him and drove him from the land, making him a restless wanderer, why did cain say to god that the punishment was too hard; that anyone who found him would kill him?
who was going to kill him?
Adam was the first man with a soul says the bible. SO that makes me think that there were other people who lived perhaps evolved from cavemen that did not have a soul.
Just a guess of course
tradition within christianity has long been that any time the phrases holy spirit, holy ghost, or spirit of godare used in the bible (especially in the new testament), it always refers to the mysterious third divine person of the trinity, who is fully god, co-equal to the father and son, yet somehow distinct.. i want to present a simplified alternative view: let the context determine the meaning!.
(one thing to keep in mind is that the meaning of the bible words used for spirit basically is unseen force or invisible presence.).
the holy spirit as the mind and personality of god.
Wasn't it Jesus who first spoke of the Holy Ghost? Might be wrong, but I know I read that the Holy Spirit can grieve and mourn, feels anger and speaks, loves and teaches. These are the attributes of a being and NOT the attributes of an active force.
Just saying
i can see how science is answering our questions.
okay, that's a sweeping statement, but it's the best way my empty head can express it.
i'm not sure if we're evolving as a species...that's another subject i admit to not reading about.
mans requirements are limited which can be satisfied with a little and tension-free endeavor..
however man attempts not only to collect but also to grab and amass everything to the excess.
somehow he feels that he can be happy only when he has in abundance whereas others have nothingwhich seems to be the thread that runs throughout the history.
Im not sure that I follow. Isnt the JW message that the end is near? SO near that you shouldnt waste time helping people in any way other than bringing them the watchtower and awake mag so that they may understand Gods true name and increase the JW membership?
Just asking
Mandy, Does that mean that we shouldn't help the French people [except for Watchtower and Awake magazines]?
Don't want to paint the rooms on the Titanic, right?
those of you who read my last post, about two weeks ago, know i'm in a dilemma.
i did not run like some posts suggested.
i truly believe i found my soulmate.
..your experience with the watchtower corporation:.
i'll start...... bully boy elders.
6 pages of pretty good 3 word descriptions, but I think Sparky1 hit the nail on the head with the best, most accurate description.