FormerBrother- You were going to list fruits from the WTS. Did you find any worthy of mention?
Is there ANY good fruit that comes from the Jehovah's Witnesses?
i mean this with all due respect, i would like to hear from genuine people who think jw have it wrong and then what is the truth?.
im not talking about silly little quibbles here and there.. is jehovah real?
the the bible is word?
FormerBrother- You were going to list fruits from the WTS. Did you find any worthy of mention?
Is there ANY good fruit that comes from the Jehovah's Witnesses?
.....who were able to propagate their self devised bible theology by utilizing a printing plant which they themselves were the head editorial writers .
c t russell and the man to follow him j rutherford, were both not academically trained bible theologians but they certainly were inspired businessmen to the fact, charlatans of their own era and time.. the return of jesus christ and a new world order to replace an old wicked world order, was just too much of a marketable and tangible concept for those men to just leave alone.
they exploited the already existing belief in the bible already structured within the population to where they preached their created version of the gospel, the rest is now history as well their many self devised albeit commercially appealing failed doctrines .
One Christian church started by Jesus,
built by the apostles,
and 29,999 hundred other churches started by men who thought [think] that they know more about the bible than the people who have given and protected the bible.
Keep in mind that the bible came AFTER the apostles started HIS church.
just saying
as of yet, no member of the jehovah's witness faith can defend their unique beliefs.
when the dust settles, it all comes down to blind faith in men's ever-changing ideas.
this "unique belief" was not a "true teaching of the bible.
There is only ONE organization going door to door and restoring the True name of God .
You know a tree by it's fruit
You don't paint the rooms of the titanic
I don't believe in a grotesque 3 headed monster God
Theocratic warfare [aka lying for the truth]
We're the mouthpiece of the Lord
Avoid whole blood, you're a pagan...
yada yada yada it's all lies
not alot of love or respect for jesus, his apostles or his church from the jws.
did he build his church on sand or have fools in charge that couldn't get out of their own way?.
Interesting perspective fulltimestudent.
Incredibly, in spite of these 4th century converted people, the church still grew to include some 20% of the entire world's population.
And the church that was started by Jesus [,under the influence of his deluded mother], started an organization that compiled the most popular book ever written. Gave the world the college system, hospitals, foodbanks, homeless shelters, orphanages, the scientific method, and civil rights for ALL people. It's amazing when you think of how it all started, and yet continues. Of course, these are just observations
Never heard of the tree dwelling Christains before
l;ve been giving this some serious consideration lately.l dont have all the answers no one does.we are all entitled to our opinions.l certainly dont believe in evolution as lve researched that subject's important to believe in something even if its for mental health.l believe everything happens for a reason.l also believe if we all live as close to the 10 commandments as possible this world would be a far better place to live and no one can argue with that.
That's right. Just because JWs are wrong, that doesn;t mean that there is no God. But it does mean that the WTS has no clue who he is.
Why? Because JWs got it wrong,,,just like you said in the opening post
when the lord is pleased with your work, he blesses your efforts.. about 8 million jws and that hasn't changed in years?
if the wts is the mouthpiece of the lord, then wouldn't there be some signs and wonders?.
When the Lord is pleased with your work, he blesses your efforts.
About 8 million JWs and that hasn't changed in years?
If the WTS is the mouthpiece of the Lord, then wouldn't there be some signs and wonders?
not alot of love or respect for jesus, his apostles or his church from the jws.
did he build his church on sand or have fools in charge that couldn't get out of their own way?.
not alot of love or respect for jesus, his apostles or his church from the jws.
did he build his church on sand or have fools in charge that couldn't get out of their own way?.
Not alot of love or respect for Jesus, his apostles or HIS church from the JWs.
Did he build His church on sand or have fools in charge that couldn't get out of their own way?
jehovah’s witnesses are taught to lie but to then lie about lying.
first off, let’s define what it means to tell a lie.
i prefer the definition offered by aristotle way back in 4th century b.c.e.
Witnesses are the most honest people around.
But as I looked to my left, I saw a lyin. I raised my rifle and then in front of me was another lyin. Things were looking pretty bleak when I spotted yet another lying.