All people in cults are always intellectually dishonest. They have to be- because reason, history and commonsense always dissolves their reasoning and logic.
Posts by TTWSYF
Why do so many JW's argue that they do not believe what they clearly do?
by Crabby ini ask a question recently, which was why do jw's not salute the flag, and i ask what page of the bible directs this practice.. all i got back was that i do not know what i am talking about and that they are allowed to do this, when i dropped 40000 google links proving that they do not salute the flag they just deleted it as though my proof could not exist.
seriously this is common knowledge, my neighbor just put up a flag to keep the guy across the street away.
so are there jw's who have no clue what they believe, or should believe?
Other Religions use the Name JEHOVAH too
by UnDisfellowshipped inare jehovah's witnesses really the only religion that promotes and preaches the name of jehovah?.
jw's are always claiming that they are the only religion that preaches and uses the name jehovah, and that is why only they will be saved.
for example, look at this quote from the watchtower:.
What I do not understand is that the WTS teaches that using the name JEHOVAH and going door to door are actual fruits that prove their authority.
Isn't that just effin ridiculous?
If anything, it is only works, AND it's works that produce no fruits what so ever.
Then to top it off, they dump on other faiths that have actually given fruits to the world..
How does anyone fall for this org???
Just asking
Prince's Philanthropic Legacy: Love 4 One Another
by Zaccheus inthe unreasonable jw standard of avoiding support for charities is an explanation given in this article on the website of glasspockets, an advocacy group for transparency in non-profit groups, for the anonymity of philanthropic ventures prince undertook in the years before his death..
even with all of the press attention, much remains unknown about prince’s philanthropy.
as a jehovah’s witness, prince may have felt compelled to keep his giving private.
Why would Prince be so generous with his wealth when we all know that charity is considered by the WTS as painting rooms of the titanic?
Fooled me once--twice---ain't gonna happen thrice
by eyeuse2badub infooled me once---shame on you!
fooled me twice---shame on me!
fooled me thrice---ain’t gonna ever happen!.
Happy anniversary to you and your wife!. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger they say..
Comparing the Septuagint to the Masoretic Text: Genealogies in Genesis 5
by ILoveTTATT2 ini started a thread comparing the septuagint to the masoretic is here: those who do not know what the septuagint and the masoretic text are, here's an introduction on wikipedia:
i think that, more than anything else, the fact that the septuagint and the masoretic text are so different, is what made me stop believing in the bible.. and more than anything else, the most striking differences between the septuagint and the masoretic text have to be the genealogies of genesis 5.. the genealogies of genesis 5 are crucial to the jehovah's witnesses, the adventists, and many other religions that place an emphasis on time prophecy.why is that?because they try to make out when the "end of the world" happens based on the 6000 years of human existence, they have to use genesis 5. and, if the numbers in genesis 5 in the bible most people in the western world use are wrong, then the time to creation is wrong, and then the "end of the world date" is, what are the differences?the account tells the ages in this format:x person lived for y years.
I think that it is worth mentioning that the Septuagint is a greek translation of the hebrew scriptures and words don't always line up when making translations. These words of Hebrew get translated to English would of course be different than Hebrew to Greek to English.
For example, there are two words for ONE in Hebrew and they have different meanings.
Only one word for ONE in english and greek. Tough to translate that to everyones' satisfaction I would think
Poor Sisters
by Darryl ini really felt for you sisters i mean i really did.
when you showed up at the sunday meeting and found out the subject of the talk was going to be -and i can't quite remember the exact wording- but something to the effect of marriage and headship, or honoring and obeying your husband, or something like that how many of you wanted to jump right back in your car and head home.
i mean 45 straight minutes of beating down you poor ladies and telling you that you are not worthy of making one decision, taking the lead in anything, don't question the man be obedient and keep quiet.
When I attended my nephews {JW} wedding a while ago, the speaker spoke of submission of the wife to the husband and reiterated that point over and over again, but he never once mentioned how the husband is supposed to love his wife, like Christ loved his church. Christ gave his life for his church and that's what a husband is to do for his wife.
typical WTS twisting of the truth
Comparing the Septuagint to the Masoretic Text
by ILoveTTATT2 ini am going to start a thread comparing the septuagint to the masoretic text.for those who do not know what the septuagint and the masoretic text are, here's an introduction on wikipedia:
i think that, more than anything else, the fact that the septuagint and the masoretic text are so different, is what made me stop believing in the bible.. since the new testament writers quoted from the septuagint, not from the masoretic text, one would think that the septuagint should be in all the current bibles, but the case is that most bibles today use the masoretic text as the basis of their old testament.
Interesting topic, thanks ILOVETTATT.
I've never compared the different texts before and think it is interesting to do so.
I remember reading that there are hundreds of ancient copies of the Septuagint and also reading that Jesus used it as well.
If you could speak to your former self, what would you say?
by LoveUniHateExams inif you, knowing ttatt, could go back in time and speak to your former jw self, what would you say to wake yourself up from the wt religion?.
i would speak to my unbaptised publisher self.
at that stage, i believed.
Go buy microsoft, apple, google, facebook, amazon and lots of other stocks would be my advice to my earlier self
Theocratic Greeting Cards?
by Bangalore insomebody in the uk has started a theocratic card business.looks like there is good money in jw businesses..
James Mixon I like it. A theocratic warfare card
by openheart inhi i was raised in the truth in the uk since my birth in 1970 i went wayward as my family left in 1981 when i was 11 never took a career just wasted my life away now i'm 46 i rejoined when i was 22 rose to be a auxiliary pioneer and ms then it all went wrong my wife diagnosed bipolar disorder i got diagnosed depression a mega implosion occurred now i'm lost what now ?.
Hi Openheart,
I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.
That said, I agree that seeing a therapist would be your best option and I am wondering [hoping] that you and your wife are under a doctors care for the depression and bi-polar diagnosis.
God bless
The Truth Will Set You Free