Jesus specified about HIS church and those of HIS church are HIS witnesses. Doesn't that mean something to people who claim to be Christians?
Posts by TTWSYF
How can the WTS call themselves Christians when they have no Christian church?
by TTWSYF inso was jesus a fool or a liar?
he said that his church would last all ages, didn't he?.
math 16:8and i say to thee: that thou art peter; and upon this rock i will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
How can the WTS call themselves Christians when they have no Christian church?
by TTWSYF inso was jesus a fool or a liar?
he said that his church would last all ages, didn't he?.
math 16:8and i say to thee: that thou art peter; and upon this rock i will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
So was Jesus a fool or a liar? He said that HIS church would last all ages, didn't he?
MATH 16:8
And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.Acts 20:28
Keep watch over yourselves and the entire flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which He purchased with His own blood. -
Some apostates are coming across as crazed psychopaths
by jambon1 ini'm not sure whether or not my view on this is correct so please leave your input.
in recent months i've been viewing youtube videos.
again, it might just be my view but there has been an increased amount of random people grabbing a camera and doing vlogs.
The Haszardisation of apostasy
SBF, IS that a real word?
Numbers don't lie... and these numbers are beautiful!!
by ILoveTTATT2 inthe numbers don't lie... definitely slowing down!!.
in the 40´s the average growth per year was 20%in the 50´s it was about 10%they had four decades of solid 5% per yearnow the average for the past 16 years has been 2%.
maybe in the future it will be 1% or 0 or even negative????.
I was just about to say this. Lets see if we can get one of them to say it.
You cant polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter.
That's beautiful! I'm gonna use that in the future...of course giving Pale Emperor full
I am glad to have found the true religion
by A Believer init really is great.
i remember browsing this forum the day after i had joined it, and their was a knock on the door.
i thought it was one of my package from ups but instead it was two sisters.
I think believer was former brother
54 year old Jw pedophile molests 14yr old jw girl.
by notjustyet inneed someone to correct the article to let the readers know "it's not a church,.. it's a kingdom hall!!".
please share and comment on their fb page to get some info out there.
A church is for worship. A kingdom hall is for...........???
I am glad to have found the true religion
by A Believer init really is great.
i remember browsing this forum the day after i had joined it, and their was a knock on the door.
i thought it was one of my package from ups but instead it was two sisters.
Trolls have the juice!
Look at this thread go.
I like the idea that other lurkers will seek out answers because of this though
I am glad to have found the true religion
by A Believer init really is great.
i remember browsing this forum the day after i had joined it, and their was a knock on the door.
i thought it was one of my package from ups but instead it was two sisters.
A Believer - The elders know much more than I, or anybody else in this thread about the Bible. Really if their are lurkers they should talk to one in a local congregation if they need more answers on matters.
This comment here shows a COMPLETE lack of common sense that one should have if they REALLY want to know the truth about the Scriptures AND Christianity. Sorry, I know that sounds rude, I just want to shine some reality.
. The bible cannon was last confirmed by Catholic bishops around 382ad. It is a Catholic book written after the start of Christianity. It is a written record of Jesus' ministry and the works of the apostles. It is a companion and written record of their faith.
There was Christianity for years AND it was spread through words and deeds by Jesus's apostles and their disciples before the gospels and letters were ever written and confirmed, There is no bible in the early church, yet the church was there. Search history and see that NO JW doctrines are from the early church. NOT ONE.
There is a written history of this time penned by some of the church fathers. You can buy or download these written works if you google the church fathers. Many of the early church fathers were direct disciples of the 12 apostles.
So now you have a question of authority in learning about the bible and Christianity. Who has history on their side?
150 years vs 2000 years...hmmm, I wonder who knows more about the bible? The people who gave us the bible or a group of Johnny come latelys?
ALSO, going door to door with a bible in hand and then pushing the Watchtower and Awake mags that they teach is more correct than the bible is why folks like me consider the JWs at the door as 'a wolf in sheep's clothing'.
There is nothing legitimate about 'Lying for the Truth' That's what the WTS does. They lie for the org and call it truth. There is no truth in the WTS. Doesn't that bother you believer? That you follow liars and you now are a liar. Doesn't that bother you at all?
The Truth Will Set You Free
Jehovahs Witnesses condemn Christian Religions .In reality Christian religions are Caring for Aged JW`s.
by smiddy inwho are looking after the aged and infirm jehovah`s witnesses ,?
its certainly not the organization known as the wtb&ts ./jehovahs witnesses religion .. and why is that ?
satans system of things with jehovahs blessing , has programs to look after those who have such needs , such as the dole for unemployed ,medical assistance for those who cant afford it ,and their are many charitable institutions that look after those that fall in the cracks.
dogon19 hours ago
I can tell you from first hand experience that when my dad was ill and dying, not one of those fucking asshat hypocrites so much as showed up to even say sorry to hear about your dad. Not Family Dubbers or friends that were Dubbers.
I think that this type of reality really is front and center, in their face that they will NOT live forever. They'll try to block out the truth and snicker that they didn't have enough faith or think of some other BS that helps them avoid the truth that WE ALL WILL DIE
so let me get this straight, apostate christianity....
by nowwhat? input together the bible canon, came up with the name jehovah.
spread the basic christian message across the globe.
got rid of all the false gods of the roman empire and gods of other nations as well.
It's a hole in the WT's 'we're the only true christians since the 1st century' doctrine.
Hahaha, It's one of many, many, many holes in the doctrine of JWdom
Pull any string of JW doctrine and it unravels to emptiness