Not that I have any scriptural support for this idea, but I had heard someone else mention that God created man to replace the fallen angels who lost their place in heaven.
Interesting thought…
jesus is the creator god, but why did he create us?
what say you?.
Not that I have any scriptural support for this idea, but I had heard someone else mention that God created man to replace the fallen angels who lost their place in heaven.
Interesting thought…
jesus is the creator god, but why did he create us?
what say you?.
Liam, like I wrote, if you believe the Bible, then we were created by AND for Jesus. (Scriptural proof above)
If you believe that a movie has the answers to creation, then your explanation works….
i think some of the points in the medical article below is spot on, especially the part about anxiety disorders.
after regularly subjecting yourself to wt fear mongering, how could that not elicit an anxiety disorder?.
mental health disorders that contribute to pathological lying.
People believe what is repeated to them over and over and over again …that is, if they don’t know better of course..
jesus is the creator god, but why did he create us?
what say you?.
New life, here you go
16 For in him all things were created:things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.
jesus is the creator god, but why did he create us?
what say you?.
it's that time of year again .
in the words of the bard ( noddy holder ) " it's christmaaas " .
merry christmas everybody .
Some people won’t celebrate because they say Jesus wasn’t born on Christmas Day. Of course he WAS born on Christmas Day, we just don’t know if it was Dec 25th.
I figure that it’s a 1/365 chance…😊
Merry Christmas!
jesus is the creator god, but why did he create us?
what say you?.
If you believe the holy Bible, we were created by the Word of God for the Word of God.
i would like to start a thread on lies that the watchtower and their reps have told.
surely we all have one or two that truly sticks out in our memories, no matter how much we would like to forget.
my favorite wt lie: the reason they don't want to release the name of the "scholars" who worked on the new world translation is because they do not want to accept "glory and honor" from others.
When a foundation is built on a lie, everything else that sits upon it is corrupted.
Biggest WTS lie is that THEY are an authority on the Bible. How did they get this authority? They only say that they are an authority. Nothing but words.
i would like to start a thread on lies that the watchtower and their reps have told.
surely we all have one or two that truly sticks out in our memories, no matter how much we would like to forget.
my favorite wt lie: the reason they don't want to release the name of the "scholars" who worked on the new world translation is because they do not want to accept "glory and honor" from others.
How bout the teaching that Jesus inspected all the churches and ONLY the WTS was worthy.
I mean, why wasn’t Jesus ALWAYS inspecting HIS churches?, HIS churches
i would like to start a thread on lies that the watchtower and their reps have told.
surely we all have one or two that truly sticks out in our memories, no matter how much we would like to forget.
my favorite wt lie: the reason they don't want to release the name of the "scholars" who worked on the new world translation is because they do not want to accept "glory and honor" from others.
Hands down
”lying for the ‘truth’ “