a friend with weed is a friend indeed
There once was a man from Nantucket....
please post your favorites too.
my favorite quotations:.
you cannot change what you refuse to confront.. sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.. don’t think of cost.
a friend with weed is a friend indeed
There once was a man from Nantucket....
i mean this with all due respect, i would like to hear from genuine people who think jw have it wrong and then what is the truth?.
im not talking about silly little quibbles here and there.. is jehovah real?
the the bible is word?
depressed soul,
Sounds like you are looking for answers. You sound a little depressed.
Could I interest you in a free bible study?
i mean this with all due respect, i would like to hear from genuine people who think jw have it wrong and then what is the truth?.
im not talking about silly little quibbles here and there.. is jehovah real?
the the bible is word?
So could somebody sum up in as short as possible,
What is the alternative to JWs?
Answer- Any faith [thru an organization] that actually produces real fruits that actually help people.
i knew i had a couple of firearms around the house, and one in the car.
however, i didn't realize i had seven, yes, seven of them, when i proceeded to count them.
the reason for that is that i haven't gone to the shooting range in years.
well it finally happened!
we have been waiting about a year for this, my dfd husbands family asked us for money.
even though his own father hasn't met our 8 month old son.
Yes, Yes, Yes! My family must endure the same effing behavior. One sibling became a baptized JW. Since that has happened he has had great fiscal decline and lose. Had homes, took vacations, nice things and then let everything go waiting for Jehovah to end this evil system of things.
My folks have had to bail him and his family out continuously. He cannot connect the dots between his lack of blessings and his clouded cult based decisions regarding his future.
But, when you're family, it's hard to give tough love. We all want our loved ones [even if they're delusional], to have a soft landing as opposed to a crash landing.
My thoughts and prayers are with you Ghiagirl
gday to you all.
i have had a thought i would like to share with you.
i cannot remember who it was, but i believe it has been mentioned (maybe paul grundy) that if you wish to null & void your baptism because you were so young when it took place that the wtbts will not allow it if you have been participating in the believes & practises of the religion when you were older & able to make a decision of your own free will.
It's very difficult to accept real truth when it contradicts what you have/had believed to be true. Of course, the truth was always there, we just couldn't see it at the time.
Lots of examples that are/were ignored because we want to believe the best about our faith, not the worst.
The bible speaks about warfare with the spirit world [powers and principalities]. The WTS speaks about theocratic warfare against people. Anyone who questions the WTS can and should be lied to for not being worthy enough for the truth. The biggest problem with this is that the WTS and it's members will lie to their own flock. Madness.
The bible speaks of knowing a tree by it's fruit, but the WTS has no fruit. Sure, they have works like going door to door and restoring God's true name [so they say], but where is the fruit from these works? There are none. Who would acknowledge that within the WTS? My elder brother tries to tell me that works are fruits...Sorry bro, works that please the Lord are proven by the fruits. Works are not fruits.
so my hubby has been on a bit of a roll about the jdubs, we were talking a lot about them & he said the buzz word he hate's the most is "worldly" why?
because he say's "with that one word they have condemned (according to their believes) a person as being worthy of nothing but death.
How about a phrase instead of a word?
'You know a tree by it's fruits'
and then
'Look at our fruits'
so my hubby has been on a bit of a roll about the jdubs, we were talking a lot about them & he said the buzz word he hate's the most is "worldly" why?
because he say's "with that one word they have condemned (according to their believes) a person as being worthy of nothing but death.
I hate the buzz word - Truth
JWs hate the buzz word - cult
have we noticed how often the society uses comments like this?.
"jehovah's witnesses are the most honest people...etc".
while it may be true that witnesses as a whole are decent, law abiding people, are they truely "honest" when the very foundation of beliefs are based on mistruths?.
I'm with you Heaven. My uber elder brother regrets to this day telling me about 'Lying for the Truth'. Later he rephrased it to Theocratic warfare.
I regret that he didn't even hear what he was telling me.
hi, i believe that a lady is put on earth to satisfy the needs of her partner and respect his views in all matters.. i realize some here may consider that old fashioned and not based on sexual equality.. yet a lady and man are not created equal because the lady gives birth and the man must sire many children.
if you are a lady under 30 and keen to meet me, willing to cook and breed, then please message me here.
please do not contact me if you disagree with my views, we can agree to differ.