Go buy microsoft, apple, google, facebook, amazon and lots of other stocks would be my advice to my earlier self
Posts by TTWSYF
If you could speak to your former self, what would you say?
by LoveUniHateExams inif you, knowing ttatt, could go back in time and speak to your former jw self, what would you say to wake yourself up from the wt religion?.
i would speak to my unbaptised publisher self.
at that stage, i believed.
Theocratic Greeting Cards?
by Bangalore insomebody in the uk has started a theocratic card business.looks like there is good money in jw businesses.. https://www.bennettcards.co.uk/product-category/47/theocratic-greetings-cards/.
James Mixon I like it. A theocratic warfare card ...lol
by openheart inhi i was raised in the truth in the uk since my birth in 1970 i went wayward as my family left in 1981 when i was 11 never took a career just wasted my life away now i'm 46 i rejoined when i was 22 rose to be a auxiliary pioneer and ms then it all went wrong my wife diagnosed bipolar disorder i got diagnosed depression a mega implosion occurred now i'm lost what now ?.
Hi Openheart,
I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.
That said, I agree that seeing a therapist would be your best option and I am wondering [hoping] that you and your wife are under a doctors care for the depression and bi-polar diagnosis.
God bless
The Truth Will Set You Free
But where else should we go? Can you answer this question?
by purrpurr inhaving watched many jc youtube videos one question that gets asked is "where else would you go?".
in other words if not jehovah's witnesses then what other religion or organisation would you go to?.
it's one that i have trouble answering, what would you say?.
Where else would you go?
Some place where people treat you with dignity from the womb to the tomb because you are made in the image and likeness of God himself.
That does not happen at the kingdom hall.
The WTS has no fruits that I am aware of.
Sorry if that offends the WTS apologist
Warning bells! Any organization that promotes spying or reporting on one another should raise concerns!
by stuckinarut2 inwe all know that the society promotes a culture of reporting on one another to the elders for any breach of wt policy (not actual crimes - just breaking of wt rules).
many here have been "caught" researching facts about the society on sites such as this one.. surely that should raise alarm bells??
only high control cult-like groups operate like that!.
I am always amazed at how easily people can be pressured to check their common sense at the door when engaged in religious beliefs.
I remember reading about a former Mormon who attended BYU [a very legit Mormon University] and incorporated laws of evidence during his studies, but totally disregarded these disciplined guidelines while engaged in his faith.
From Our Archives - Staying Awake with the Faithful and Discreet Slave
by berrygerry inwt - july 15, 1960 p 443. again we can stay awake by our service and financial contributions to the watch tower society.
jehovah has done so much for us through this agency.
the least we can do to show our responding love and appreciation is to contribute our finances and time toward expanding the global preaching work.
Didn't AWAKE or the WATCHTOWER state that the 20th century would be the last for certain [even though they stopped giving End Of The World dates]?
We live a simple life
by hoser inthis is a video on jw broadcasting to quit your full time career, sell your house and belongings and start a window washing career.
i agree with some of what is presented but not all.
it is good to live within your means as presented in this video.
I remember reading something like this in the late 60s.
Went something like this. I'll quote it, but this is about what it said"We heard of some brothers selling their homes to be able to preach full time. Certainly this is a great way to mark these final days"
What a disgrace the WTS is. How it cannot stand up to truth, yet calls itself the Truth
Is this Intentional or Assumptive?
by Funchback intaken from this article in the boston globe: https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/regionals/north/2016/06/29/what-makes-jehovah-witnesses-different-from-other-christians/hlwbp3fmll6dtepkhh7lwj/story.html.
what is the meaning of baptism?.
baptism is a choice witnesses make — as adults — to dedicate their lives to god.
A fluff article that seems to have been written by a JW as opposed to a journalist. Paints the JWs as they paint themselves.
Nobody at work knows what JWs believe
by Athanasius inrecently susie, one of my co-workers mentioned that her husband's family were all jws.
the family converted after susie's husband left home, so he never joined the jws, nor does he intend to.
anyway another co-worker asked her: "what do the jws believe?".
The WTS teaches the rank and file JWs that they are going door to door restoring God's true name.
They believe these are their fruits.
I believe the WTS promotes the rank and file JWs to WORK going door to door and that work produces no fruits what so ever.
More misleading content on JW.org
by Anders Andersen inwhat is “the end of the world”?the phrase “the end of the world,” which appears in many bible translations, can also be rendered as “the conclusion of the system of things,” or “the close of the age.” (matthew 24:3;english standard version) it refers, not to the destruction of the earth or of all humanity, but to the end of the framework of human society.—1 john 2:17.. conveniently leaving out that according to current numbers and doctrine, 8.000.000 people will survive at max.. technically is not a destruction of all humanity....but it comes so close it deserves to be mentioned.. of course it isn't mentioned, because that would sound so extreme, cultish and unkind.
we wouldn't want people to get the right ideas about jw.organization now, would we?.
My personal pet peave is the term
'Lying for the Truth'
liar, liar, pants on fire. Lying to everyone. No one is entitled to the truth. Not prospective converts, rank and file or elders. Lying as a way of faith is what the WTS is all about.
Now, if you know that. How on earth could you make the decision to stay?
It truly does boggle the mind