The whole notion of the Jewish concept of One God was because they were surrounded by polytheist. I don't believe that the True God had 70 sons and was married. That was/is not what God is in reality. Of course, just my opinion.
One thing that got me about the trinity concept was the 'One God' thing, that is proclaimed over and over again in the old testament. How can there be a trinity when the OT totally states One God? How does God say "let US make man in OUR image" and still be One God?
After a little research, I found something very interesting.
In Hebrew there are 2 words for ONE. YACHID & ECHAD. These 2 words have different meanings.
SO there is the ONE that we all recognize.' I'll have ONE of those please'
Then there is the other word for one that indicates a type of plurality. Like 'Man and woman became One flesh', Or 'day and night became One day'
When the bible states that God is One, it is ALWAYS with the plural One.So even the OT proclaims that there is more to God than ONE being.
Check for yourself, I didn't make it up.
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