sorry if I killed your OP
Posts by TTWSYF
My Anointed Grandma’s Wavering Faith?
by My Name is of No Consequence insome quick background information: my dad (her firstborn son) died unexpectedly this past october.
his death has really hit our family hard.
personally, i have not totally come to terms with this.
Why are the individuals who make up the Governing Body so deluded
by UnshackleTheChains insurely these men must see what's going on.
if they can afford fancy pinky rings, they must have smart phones.
if they have smart phones, they must be inquisitive as to how they are perceived.
because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely?
That's my guess
My Anointed Grandma’s Wavering Faith?
by My Name is of No Consequence insome quick background information: my dad (her firstborn son) died unexpectedly this past october.
his death has really hit our family hard.
personally, i have not totally come to terms with this.
Very sorry about your Dad and your Grandmother.
When ever someone dies in my brothers cong, my brother gets very upset because he thinks that JWs will not die. He thinks he will not die......
Interesting take on John 3:16
by NikL inthe superstar of all scriptures.
for god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.. .
but i just learned something about it.. i try to look at different translations of the bible and the lexham english bible words it a bit different.... 16 for in this way god loved the world, so that he gave his one and only son, in order that everyone who believes in him will not perish, but will have eternal life.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Shouldn't it read ' For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that the 144,000 who believes shall not perish, but have eternal life. Everyone else who is a Jehovahs Witness will have Jehovah which is much better
JW apologetics websites.
by Steel inlately i have been studying some basic christology and jesus in the old testament and why first christians believed jesus was god in the flesh.
really interesting stuff.
i am not really sure if i fully understand it but i do now realize why pastors go to university and bible school for a number of years and also how their beliefs are not just based on a few verses that can be edited in the nwt.
JWs come to your door with bibles in hand under the guise of teaching the bible. They all consider themselves as bible students. They will tell you how many books are in it and things like that.
Ask 'where did the bible come from? How did we get it?' And the reply will be 'men got together and made it'
The real answer is that Catholic bishops put it together centuries after Jesus commissioned the apostles to build HIS church and to do all that HE commanded them to do. Never hear that from the WTS bible students.
The bible is a Catholic book written by Catholics for Catholics AND the world. It is their book, so how could anyone come 1600, 1700 or 1800 years later and expect to teach people better than the people who made the book in the first place. Make no sense what so ever.
The Truth Will Set You Free
2 Peter 1 = Deity of Christ.
by towerwatchman in2 peter 1 = deity of christ.
2 pe.
1:1 simon peter, a bondservant and apostle of jesus christ, .
cofty2 days ago
You said you would not hesitate to obey god's orders to commit mass killing of women and infants.
You think that infanticide is a moral good as long as you can convince yourself that it is god's will.
Never lecture an atheist about morality again.
hahaha, I am amused. Such a typical Cofty reply.
Angrily replying something else like you only read 1/3 of the post. hahaha
Where did we get morality?
2 Peter 1 = Deity of Christ.
by towerwatchman in2 peter 1 = deity of christ.
2 pe.
1:1 simon peter, a bondservant and apostle of jesus christ, .
Perhaps the fact that the OT was written to a people who, although were God's chosen people, were not ready for the teachings of Christ. They were taught the letter of the law but not the spirit of the law. That may explain a bit.
I certainly would not expect an atheist to understand the diff.
20000 posts later and I'm afraid that some people here went from the glass is half full to the glass is half empty.
Never interested in filling the glass.
Christianity is based on the fact that witnesses [of Jesus] believed Jesus as God in the flesh. That HE started HIS church and his church has fruits which the world had never know before.
Education for all. Slave and master alike.
Food for all, help for all orphans and all widows.
Respect for all life - young, old and not even born yet.
These are reasons why Christianity is true and atheism is false and never gave anything good to the people of the world.
Think about it. Love your enemy?
It is crazy, but somehow it has made the world a better place, because if you can love your enemy, then anything truly is possible.
The Truth Will Set You Free.
Why are Republican's so consistantly dishonest?
by Coded Logic init hasn't gone unnoticed that the republicans who are saying, "we need to get to the bottom of the obama wiretapping" and "let's investigate this" - are the same people, when it comes to trump's russian ties, who are saying, "we shouldn't look at this at all - it's just a bunch of lies and hype.".
no evidence whatsoever for claims about obama need a congressional investigation.
but mountains of evidence about trump with more coming out everyday can be swept under the rug.
I think the OP should be changed to
Interpret John 1:1 by John 1:1.
by towerwatchman ininterpret john 1:1 by john 1:1. .
the greek language has the definite article which has approximately thirty variations, is translated into english as “the”, and points to an identifiable personality, someone we have prior knowledge of.
but the greek language has no indefinite article corresponding to the english “a”, or “an”.
This is going down a branch from the tree, but the bible says explicitly and specifically that the Father is God, the Holy Ghost is God and Jesus is God. Clear and explicit.
Yachid and Echad
These are the 2 words for 'one' in Hebrew.
Why 2 words for one? Because languages do not always translate into other cultures' vocabularies.
There is the singular one that we all know in the English language and there is a plural 'one' in Hebrew that indicates the combining of things to create a [plural] one.
DIrect and explicit examples in the OT include
'Day and night became one [plural one] day'. 'Husband and Wife became one [plural] flesh' AND every instance where God is declared as One God in Hebrew it is with the plural 'one' . Clearly the OT is filled with explicit truths regarding God as more than the solitary 'oneness' that unitarians like JWs promote.
Also worth mentioning that Jew believe that God is their savior AND that he will come in the flesh. They just don't believe that Jesus was the Savior.
Interpret John 1:1 by John 1:1.
by towerwatchman ininterpret john 1:1 by john 1:1. .
the greek language has the definite article which has approximately thirty variations, is translated into english as “the”, and points to an identifiable personality, someone we have prior knowledge of.
but the greek language has no indefinite article corresponding to the english “a”, or “an”.
Well done TWM. Explained clearly. It may not mean that Jesus is God, but it does mean that John says he is in His written gospel of Jesus.
There is a Greek linguistic rule which confirms your analysis.
I think it's called Glanvilles Sharp Rule, but I may have the rule name wrong.
I hope this OP is a catalyst for others who consider themselves to be bible students to look at more scholarly sources for their research as opposed to limiting their sources to one questionable source.