sham: "I LOVE IT!!
Tell me more!!! Much much more!!!
Now why don't you say that when I post something?
the dream image!
wisdom and power are his.
" {daniel 7:24,25 niv} who is this other king?
sham: "I LOVE IT!!
Tell me more!!! Much much more!!!
Now why don't you say that when I post something?
it's sad to see that some things just don't change in the area of protecting priests involved with sexual abuse, even if it happened decades ago!
the church should be ashamed of their knowing that certain priests are pedophiles and they are still priests, acting as a mediator between christ and people..
MTTM: "However I am curious why JWs focus so much on the failings of the RCC?"
Isn't it like 2 little kids being caught doing something bad, and the one turns and points to the other and says "but HE did it FIRST" ... or "HE did something much worse"
okay, first you will need ten pennies.. .
heads=prayer answered.
tails=prayer ineffective.
The only point I can imagine trying to be made here is that people tend to see what they want to see. Obviously any kind of coin thing like this is an experiment in probability theory. The more "tosses" one does, the closer to 50/50 will be the outcome. Whatever some individual infers from that, if it's anything but that probability theory has a basis in fact, then it's a strange inference.
That said, I think it's kind of lame the way most people pray. "God, don't let so-and-so die." "God, let me afford to pay my bills." "God, make a giraffe appear on my ceiling." "Oh and God, snap to it. And after that, bring me some tea."
Feh. I pray rarely, and when I do it's usually to ask God to help me to do whatever it is myself, or to thank him when I have some understanding or resolution of a problem, or when something good and unexpected happens. I don't keep a "tally" of what works and what doesn't.
"NN - so then instead of I-Ching it becomes Cha-Ching$$!" .. that made me lol
it's sad to see that some things just don't change in the area of protecting priests involved with sexual abuse, even if it happened decades ago!
the church should be ashamed of their knowing that certain priests are pedophiles and they are still priests, acting as a mediator between christ and people..
Unfortunately I think a major reason why this is so widespread is that most of these pedos were introduced to the practice as children by their own priests, and so on and so on. It sort of guarantees that many of the next generation will grow up to follow suit.
... waiting for the reciprocal thread asking guys if they like their ladies shaved or not (minus the comment in the first post, of course)....
this was a huge source of contention between me and my ex.
my parents were in the same district as us; i always thought it would be nice to sit together especially when i had two daughters in one year.
my ex rufused to sit with my parents if they saved us seats and he would never allow me to save two seats for them.
Shouldnt the elders sit in the very back row since they apparently already know it all? Give the ones who need some religion pounded into them the up front seats.
... but that would make sense....
seems like work to me....... doing the microphones, manning the magazine counter, spending countless (sorry, counted) hours every month knocking on doors.. privileges?.
from :
" kingdom privilege slang A sarcastic description of Kingdom Hall cleaning or some other undesirable assignment. Resem blance to the military’s “ k.p .” is both intentional and appropriate."
thinking back, there were a few things i was told then, that now seem rather odd and petty.
i was wondering if these thing are common in the wts or was it just that my girlfriend at the time was a pioneer, and her father was an elder.
(so perhap a bit more "enthusiastic" than others).
I stopped saying "bless you" to sneezing people long before I ever got involved with a JW. It's based on a stupid belief no one believes anymore (I hope), and it's another form of fake politeness. I work in a tech field where many of my colleagues are from Asia ... and none of them say nor repond to "bless you." I really don't see the thrill of being able to say it. When someoen says it to me, it embarrasses me that I sneezed. If I sneeze I jsut want to get it over with ... not call attention to myself.
Also, anyone in the professional world knows it's very impolite to say "Merry Christmas" to people without even knowing if they are Christian. Again, I work around Hindus, Buddists, Jews, Muslims, etc. Damn right we say "have a good holiday" and not " Merry Christmas".
what is the youngest person you ever heard of getting dfed?
did they come back?
because they wanted to or had to?
"I have heard that Ja Rule was disfellowshipped at age 12. That goes to show how young he had to have been baptized."
Whoa ... I had no idea Ja Rule was JW. For whatever reason I thought he was Rastafarian.
A religion is just a group of people organized around beliefs in God/gods. Is there a 'true' political party? Is there a 'true' social club? Is there a 'true' tradition? Is there a 'true' ethnicity? Is there a 'true' country? Is there a 'true' species? Is there a 'true' brand of automobile?
Come on ... all you black & white thinkers. Just because your family was in the habit of driving Peugeots and they all turned out to be piles of junk, you would now refuse all forms of mechanical transportation. Walk, then.
... oh but if it helps, I'm now out of posts again for a while ;)