Topics Started by leec
Stats on US religions
by leec in
recently stumbled across this.
i know many here are not from the states but i found this interesting and thought others here might as well.
Open season on me
by leec ini'm inviting anyone to tell me what's wrong with me, what they don't like, what i suck at, where i start to fail, where i get off, and like that.
... and yes, i will take silence as a sign i am a pretty great person after all :p.
Everything Is Okay
by leec inthis is a brilliant 8 minutes of secular counter-proselytizing.
i know how most of you can't bring yourselves to click on any video whatsoever, let alone spare more than 15 seconds of your time to watch something, but please just give this the first 30 seconds, and if you don't like it, don't watch the rest.. it's great on so many levels though, not the least of which is that it is hysterically funny..
The hell with the lions and lambs
by leec inif they could guarantee me that, in paradise, i could be permanently 25 y.o.
and date the entire cadre of women's halfpipe contenders from tonight ... i am so there..
Just felt a tremor
by leec insitting here catching up on why the haitians deserved to suffer when i tremor jolted the house.
funny how i can kind of tell the direction they come from / go to by which side of the house creaks first/last.
checking google live results feed i see i was not the only one who felt it, though i don't see it yet on the quakes sites i occassionally check.. .
Olympic Torch Failure A Blessing!
by leec inthe olympics is nothing more than a satanic contest between one wild beast and another.
the failure of the forth arm of the olympic torch is a twofold prophesy, to wit:.
1) the beast cannot stand on its own, it will ultimately fail due to man's folly!.
A Class Divided
by leec intotally unrelated to anything except that my mind has been on this long-running documentary series lately, this is an episode of frontline broadcast originally in 1985, about a teacher in a small school in bfe (somewhere in iowa iirc) who, starting in 1968 i believe, taught her class about the realities of racism.
(commentary requested.).
a class divided.
Anyone besides JWs and LDSs use words like "apostate" and "worldly"
by leec ini was just watching a documentary on polygamist ldses in canada and i hear them dropping terms like "apostate" and "worldly" ... and i'd never heard either of those terms in my entire life until i started spending time in the company of jws.
have i led a sheltered life?
is this just a random coincidence?