Isn't Earth supposed to be turned into "Paradise Earth" through a miracle anyway?
Posts by leec
Should Religions Own ALL the Paradise Forest Lands?
by cameo-d inwwf and the alliance of religions and conservation (arc) have signed an agreement to develop a template for managing land owned by religious organisations throughout the world.. arc is a uk-based organisation that works with the worlds religions on environmental issues, often in partnership with wwf.
martin palmer, chief executive of arc and a wwf ambassador, estimates that the 11 faiths own around 7 per cent of the habitable surface of the planet.
together, they are in the top 10 landowning groups in the world, and the environmental influence they can bring to bear cannot be overstated, he declared.. -----------.
Jevovah's Witnesses and mental health
by bubba flavel indoes anyone know if the society has specific policies on the handling of members with mental health problems?.
my grandfather, a brother in good standing since moses developed paranoid schizophrenia in his later years.
he got to the stage where he would knock people over in the street, place his hand on thier head and cast out evil spirits in the name of jehovah.. he was disfellowshiped and not long after he passed away.. this was related to me by a friend years later as i was unaware due to the shunning, i didn't even know he died.
I personally know (or "know of" in some cases) several active JW all in good standing in their KH, all of whom are on antidepressents. So, unless they're the kind of people who would sneak around to do that (which would be kind of a shock to me), it must be at least tolerated, at least under circumstances where a traumatic event has occured in their lives.
Tell me about your avatar(not the Gravatars)
by asilentone inmy avatar is a pic of a cool car, obviously.
it must be nice to be able to participate in this thread
Video that has been called "The Apostate Manifesto"...
by Tuesday inhey folks, so i made this video as a response to some of the youtube apostates about my vast apostate army recruitment video.
i'm getting overwhelming comments and messages regarding it and a couple people have called it "the apostate manifesto".
i figured i'd post it here for everyone to check out, i thought you all might enjoy it.
just don't let it turn into yet another religion-as-a-protest-against-a-religion
JWs and piracy (digital kind)
by teel ini'd like to hear of other people's experience regarding the jws inclination to pirating software, music, films.. this of course is relative to your country.
because i live in a relatively poor country, the rate of piracy is extremely high, individuals practically never buy software, music and films are bought now and then.
this of course is against the law here too.. so what do jws do?
I don't think the argument that "JWs don't illegally copy material any more than any other group of people" is relevent, because JWs make a very big deal about the distinction between themselves and the rest of the world. I'm not saying that stealing becomes okay if you admit to being Satan up front, but there is an extra measure of wrong in doing it while at the same time trying to appear better.
I infer that there is somewhat of an attitude that, while certainly one should give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and all that, there is no reason to go out of one's way for Caesar either ... something to that effect.
Deleted Elders?
by Farkel ini knew about elders being "deleted" and have commented what a strange and pejorative term that is, but it wasn't until "wtwizard" and "designs" commented on another thread about it that it actually hit home for me.. one cannot step down as an elder with any dignity!
elder's can't quit, with the word "quit" being as in "he quit his job.
" elder's can't resign as in "he resigned as chairman of the board for xyz corp.".
Maybe the reason they hate Facebook is that they actually wanted to use the term "unfriended" but it was already taken .....
Giving to Charities
by Kristina1972 ini notice the jw's don't really donate to charities.
when i donated to the earthquake in haiti, my husband didn't really say anything about it.
silence usually means he doesn't agree with something because of his religious beliefs.
My friend was talking to me about her monetary affiars and started listing what she spent money on recently. One of them was "give money for Haiti" which I assumed had to be in connection with some donation box or something that was set up at the KH, so that the WT receives the money and does whatever they do with it ... which is what .. print up extra copies of their publications to hand out to all the starving bleeding people with major injuries?
Favorite Standards? Frankie, Deano, etc. etc.??
by beksbks inhere is one of my most favorite sequence of notes.
with lyrics!.
Favorite Standards? Frankie, Deano, etc. etc.??
by beksbks inhere is one of my most favorite sequence of notes.
with lyrics!.
Favorite Standards? Frankie, Deano, etc. etc.??
by beksbks inhere is one of my most favorite sequence of notes.
with lyrics!.