Here's an excerpt of an ongoing collaboration between myself and a friend still living in NJ. There are somewhere over 40 chapters if I recall, 30 of them online but in poor shape needing editorial work. Anyway, you asked for it ...
A cat's cute efforts to survive are only a feeble attempt when compared with the longevity of those boots and the sleds, the scream in the night, the little pop and the sounds of enormous looming Mother hanging a wet sheet on the clothesline, only to have pigs and hens walk under it constantly. "What are you doing at this time of the night out in the garden, Madame? Are you sniffing the flowers in their sleep and the moist unseen night-dung, and witnessing the transitory gleam of the nut-like raptor spits? Whose turn was it to set the table? We are the angry penguins of yore in your lore. Watch your slippery step! Paramecia like you ooze freeze in the gaze of our rich ball of molten baklava steaming from the ancient ovens, possessing intelligence and capable of falling just like the rest of yous and not just on New-Year's. Dumby bumped into Bambi purely to avoid hitting a canary in January, and now it's May already. By October the bakery will be in full swing and a cat who says 'Meow' will wait patiently for milk by the back door of the kitchen back there. That's the great outdoors for you.