As a friend of CoCo, you are a friend of ours. I am 'expecting' the best possible outcome for you.
dear friends:.
forty-five years ago i was out in service with an elder, and we came upon a house where the owners kindly received us.
this was not so unusual as the family was jehovah's witnesses.
at the request of some, i have gone through many of my posts of the last 3 years to collect all my methods i used to awaken my children to the truth about the truth.. from oldest to newest (i will do them in a few posts so its not an endless scroll thru).
had a bit of a chat today about the internet (which i know he likes to use at my place).
in his use of the net today i found one site he visited was one i had visited to get a pdf of a society publication.
Thank you for posting and compiling this Aussie Oz. I love the way your daughter thinks. Reminds me of myself (if I'd been allowed to think rather than having a bunch of rules shoved down my throat). What an awesome dad you are. I look forward to reading about their continued growth.
Mazel Tov! A job well done.
i have come here for any advice and support that anyone can give and i really need it now.
i don't talk about these issues with my siblings anymore because they have already told me that they have no advice and can't help.
feelings of anxiety have been overwhelming me the lat 2 years and it makes me feel like a scared little child.
Nothing to add here but, I LOVE Roberta804's advice. 'Be a real parent and give them an option to the jw cult.' It might not work with the older one but, mr 12-year old would much rather be with his dad doing something fun than sitting at the watchtower study or knocking on doors. He's your son, too.
if you could get all willing participants on this board together in one area for a party, and told them to bring favorite music, food, movies, and dressed in certain fashion, all of which has been discouraged or outright banned either by the wts or by their flunkies (do, co, elders, busybodies in the hall, etc.
), what would you bring?.
i would bring:.
i made my first post (which i have attached) more than 2.5 years ago.. sad to say i am still in the same situation.
still "physically in" but have mentally been gone for years.
i am still in my marriage and unfortunatly things have not gotten any better as far as me being able to help him see the light as far as the organization.. i am at a serious crossroad though because i am almost 30 years old, with no children.
Hi and Welcome Back.
It seems to me that your husbands' efforts to 'make things better between you' serves him and his standing in the congregation. If he's an elder and you leave, he will be dimished and would probably have to step down from whatever 'priviledges' he has. So you are sacrificing your soul at the altar of an organization that has nothing to do with god.
You're a smart broad. You've got your education, you are successful in work, you have friends. What you don't have is a real life of your own. You've built a great foundation to begin living the life of your choosing. It's been 2.5 years. What are you waiting for?
not to start some form of popularity contests here but i was wondering how popular some people were?
how far did your network go in this organization?
this question also pertains to those who are actively fading..
I was part of an attractive, popular, very spiritual family, used at conventions, always held up as an example to the circuit/district. Not sure that My name was known, I was one of the **** girls or *******'s little sister. Then I turned 16 and my sister 14 and the young men in the circuit suddenly knew my name and my older brothers became very popular.
The memories, the memories.
just wondering if your name describes what you saw, how you were treated when you were "in" or now "out", maybe your personality, ect.... i'm label licker and the why i picked this name was because of all the licking up one side of elders and down the other to either be an elder or ministerial servant.
one time i was standing right in front of this brother who wasn't made an ms yet and he totally ignored me and talked right over my head speaking really loud trying to catch the co's attention.. got sick of watching the poor elderly sitting all alone or standing against the wall like a wall flower with noone to talk to and yet all these label lickers would take turns picking up the elders elderly parents and take them shopping and do their groceries at least four times a week while out in service, yet, there was noone there to take a meal to a sister who just got out of the hospital with a heart attack.
when i had shown up at her apartment with a meal she asked if i could wash her private and change her bandages.
i would like to have your opinions on what i should do about a situation please.. i have recently discovered that a 'brother' in the congregation (which i no longer attend) is a child molester.
i've seen documentation from his psychiatrist dated a few years ago, stating that he doesn't feel that this person is likely to offend again.
the 'brother' has said to the elders at some point that he has it under control but cannot be 100% sure it won't happen again.
now that my mother has been laid to rest and i have no worries about the jw in the slightist, here is one funny..... in 2006 i obtained conservatorship over mom because she wanted to give all her money to the printing company.
she had made a pledge of sorts to the "building fund" for $5000.
well she found some of her old checks that were not attached to any account as i had opened a conservator account.
i open this thread as a new topic after receiving an update from atlantis on wbts insurance coverage.. while we are on the subject of insurance , does anyone know if the org.
takes out life insurance on its members ?
recently, it was exposed that walmart and a lot of businesses take out a "special" life insurance on their employees.