Topics Started by EXMS
ya do know what THE most popular reason we leave WT is doncha?
by oompa innot sure about it specifically....but i see three catagories...and what do you think is the specific one is????
i fit in the first one...and you guys know what the deal breaker was for me.... (changing the bible to make it say what they wanted it to in the nwt...especially adding the name jehovah 237 times in the nt...or cgs....when there is zero ancient manuscript for doing so...even though rev says to not add nor delete nuttin...they added the name jehovah twelve time in rev alone....even though not a single one is a quote from the ot or hebrew scriptures!!
and that is not right did we not notice that we have the only bible around with the name jehovah in the new testament.....sooo deceitful about that) (and that is the longest parentheses of my life)
Any Military?
by EXMS ini am curious.
since leaving i, as some of you may know, have enlisted in the us navy.
is there anymore on this site that have gone military in their respective countries since leaving too?.
76 Trombones ripped off?
by EXMS inhas anyone watched the music man?
ever notice how familiar the song '76 trombones' sounds?
i can't remember, thank god, what song it is in the song book....follow the warrier king?
Pioneers and Gas Money
by EXMS inas some of you might know, i was a pioneer for 4 years...two years regular auxillary and two years regular.
for any of you ol' regular pioneers...while in the ministry and you were driving did the others in the car group give you money for gas?
if it was only pioneers out, then of course no one gave anything since everybody generally shared driving.
Power Supplier Fired Jehovahs Witness For Wanting One Day Off to Attend Religious Convention
by Bangalore inpower supplier fired jehovah's witness for wanting one day off to attend religious convention..
Purple Triangles
by Lozhasleft ini'm just back from a trip to berlin...the trip was specifically to research the holocaust...anyway...we went to sachenhausen concentration camp on a tour and the guide was exceptional...a military he asks the group a question:.
" anyone know what colour triangles the jehovah's witnesses had to wear?".
" purple " says i without a blink.. i grieved for all who suffered there and for them many people died there who didn't have a choice...the wtbs forced it on their members...and after reading rutherford's letters to hitler makes me sick....sick to my stomach.. loz x. .
Jehovah's Witnesses magazines banned in Russia.
by koolaid-man inafter their comments in the july 15-2012 watchtower, stating apostates are mentally diseased, their magazines should be banned around the world..
26 january 2012, 14:59. arbitration court confirms the ban on spreadingjehovah's witnesses magazines in russia .
moscow, january 26, interfax - the 9th arbitration appeal court confirmed the russian supervisory agency for communications ban on spreading in russia magazines of jehovah's witnesses, the novye izvestia paper reports on thursday.. .
The New Vocabulary of a Free Mind
by breakfast of champions ini have always classified myself as someone who was fairly well read, with a pretty decent vocabulary.
but having been raised in the orwellian "loaded language" of "truthspeak", i found over the past 18 or so months that there is a whole vocabulary out there that i was never exposed to, thanks in part to the wts exquisite information control techniques.
here's a sample of some of the words i had never even heard of before my "awakening":.
Has anyone here done a long distance hike?
by moshe ini am hoping i can do one in a year or two- any tips would be appreciated.