They are allowed to get drug therapy. However, they do not want the witlesses getting talk therapy because one of the things they might be asked to do is to leave the witlesses, or at least cut back on their stress-inducing activities.
Yes, my sisters and my mother are all on various ADs at various times.
some type of mob mentality going on too . It was so common among witnesses when one sister had Chronic Fatigue syndrome ,five more would come down with similar symptoms.)
I saw that, too. I used to call it "The Disease of the Month Club". A whole crew always had the same problems, even the same allergies. Also, went to the same "doctors."
They shouldn't get help, because if they do, they will leave the cult.
AD's are the best thing to happen to Jehovahs Wignuts. It keeps them brain-dead, fuzzy, and just plain wastes of skin, IMO.
I remember being very depressed most of the time. I was surrounded by negative people who constantly pointed out all the bad things of the world. I was being told that everyone worldly was bad (drugs, sex, etc) and being controlled constantly regarding what to wear, how to wear my hair, what I should do for a job, whether I should pursue education. It crushes the will to live, after all, we weren't to have any independent thought that would allow us to be individuals. Very bland. Conversation was centered around bible and associates and gossip. Nothing intellectual or stimulating. Social life was the pits. Especially since I was a bit of a square peg in the round hole. Constantly struggling to keep up with hours in service, personal study, family study, meetings, etc, plus trying to pay bills and maintain my life.
For a jw, even the car you drive will be a factor of whether you are "good" or "bad". Other things that play into other's judgement of you are (short list): Hair length, facial hair, jewelry, clothes, car style, car color, furnishings, decorations, music taste, number of hours in service, friends, job, associates, spouse's spiritual state, children/parents state, address, financial standing (they focus on that too!), how private you like to keep your private life.
There is much more, but consider all that, no wonder they are depressed.
I remember waking up on Sunday and not going to the hall. I felt so good. I have my up days and bad days, but once I shed the guilt of "not doing enough" for the society, I have been generally happy and enjoying life.