i left town after the court case for a fresh start , it was 18 months before dubs knocked on my door , so i told them why i was not interested in their message , aswell as the watchtower payouts in may 2007 ,with gag orders attached , they seemed quite shocked by that but warned me to be carefull what information i read on the web ! i told them that in america they do not make up the news ! they seemed quite shocked about what happened to my child but said it would have ben an isolated case ! i informed them , that there had been 3 victims , and that another child molster in the congregation had caused many other victims , so in just one congregation that was an awfull lot of children who were victims of child sex abuse considering i was once told it was a safe haven ! he told me that this wicked system would soon be over ! i said "i know you mean well but did you realise that your religion has been saying that for over 130 years ? he laughed and said "no, i didnt know that ! i dont think he believed that bit ! any way im a bit sick of hearing the phrase "an isolated case " and wondered how many other "isolated cases"there were in your congregations .
a dub at my door said my childs abuse was an isolated case !
by looloo 22 Replies latest jw experiences
Bring up any JW wrong doing..
It`s always an isolated case..
Thousands and thousands of Isolated Cases..
It`s almost pointless to talk to those brain dead morons..
They just laugh and knock on the next door..
The other line they use is "Well they were never really a Jehovahs Witness to begin with because Jehovahs Witnesses would never do those things." So...total deniability.
looloo, sorry you and your child had to go through that and that you had to encounter a non-conscious hour-counter at your door. For you and others reading this and touched by this, please go to the links in Barbara Anderson's story here.......
LOOLOO- I'm so sorry your child was abused. I remember when you initially posted about it awhile back ago. That witness you talked to is brain dead and uninformed . There are literally thousands of cases just like what happened to your child happening as we speak right now in the Jehovah's Witnesses cult. It's disgusting, demoralizing, and criminal that the WT society doesn't take more precautions to protect children. To see actual eyewitness accounts of MANY child abuse incidences- please refer to my thread I made a few days ago on " Did you Know of Child Molesters in your Congregations " . Might be an eye opener for you to see you are not alone. Take care, I'll bump the thread to the top of active topics for you
Isolated case! That can mean anything they want it to mean. Sure it was isolated to that KH and the one across town was isolated to it's KH and to the one in the next county, etc, etc. They act like isolating an outbreak of child molestation is like quarantining an outbreak of chickenpox.
Wuzlove -
i want to rip their throat out when they say JW abusers are not really witlesses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Witchtower litterature has repeatedly pointed out how many RC are in prison ( a disproportionate amount)
They are so stupid (thick as stew) they think the other Christian Churches do NOT teach the ten commandments.
Every Catholic or protestant, Muslim, Buddhist, Shinto, Hindu, is taught that all these things are wrong.
Yet when those of other faiths do evil things they say
Enter the multiple abusing JW elduh. At his trial not only are the gofors told to write testimony of his uprightness, but if th eveidence proves him guilty, he "is not really a witless"
Taking a Vomit break right now...
Damn, there's a "brother" in Slatington, PA whose first name is Ray. He's old now, but my ex mother in law was raped by him, as was her sister. Of course, no one believed them. Hard to find 2 witnesses for a child molestation case (clever little pedophiles). I really should find out if he's still there, my mother attends that hall.
In addition, a JW from Pottsville PA was charged with sexually assaulting "Mini-Mouse" at disney world. A friend of mine who attends that hall brought it to my attention... here's a link... A good JW.
Lastly, I know of several others.
Moshe -
Its like when the social services or other Government Departments are challenged on a policy based decision:
"WE cannot comment on individual cases." OR
"We are not ABLE to comment on individual cases."
Since EVERY case is individual - THIS MEANS THAT THEY ARE UNABLE OR CANNOT COMMENT on any case of which they are aware.
SO what the HELL are they doing making decisions on cases they are not ABLE (ie not QUALIFIED) or not allowed (ie GAGGED) to discuss?????
Isolated...hmm...yet the WTS seems to know of over 23,000 cases? http://www.silentlambs.org/answers/23720.cfm