JoinedTopics Started by myownlife
Does the GB get a salary?
by myownlife ini was asked this question by a co-worker who is also a former witless....anyone know the answer?.
i am also wondering if any salary is paid to the witless worker bees other than room/board?
Jehovah's Witness warning: "Watch out for the movie Avatar".
by Cindi_67 inthis is an email i received from my brother in law:.
after discussing with our family and several friends about the popular movie avatar, and the prevalence of "avatars" on the internet, we thought that other friends might be interested in what we found in our family worship research, tell us what you think:.
merriam-websterdictionary - avatar: the incarnation of a hindu deity (as vishnu).
Cost of regular pioneering?
by hoser ini was wondering if anybody had any figure$ on what it costs for a couple to regular pioneer if you would include the vehicle expense and the value of their time?.
While You Were A JW Did You Feel Controlled?
by minimus inthe governing body constantly tries to impose its will on jehovah's witnesses.
they really don't want you to do anything but society approved things.
everything is "bad".. we can see this quite clearly at this point.
The Watchtower Society: aka "The Dream Killers"
by JimmyPage indo you have talent as a musician?
how much better would it be if you focused on pioneering!.
are you artistic?
nightmares after leaving
by myownlife inhello everyone, i have been reading the different topics and haven't seen this discussed..... i was raised in the 'truth' and decided when i was 19 this was not for me...but unfortunately it took years after that to finally make the clean break.
during that time and up until about a year ago, i was having strange and disturbing finally came to a head when i dreamed that i cussed out the elders in the congregation i had left.,..woke up in a sweat but felt great!
has anyone else experienced this?
Before I washed the dishes this morning................!
by iknowall558 inbefore i washed the dishes this morning.............. .
i noticed a couple of well dressed men in dark suits passing by my window.
i jumped up to have a closer look and saw a whole hoard of witnesses in the street knocking on my neighbours doors.
The "move away" Fade
by jacquicortez inlooking back there were quite a few families that did the "oh we're moving" fade.
they would move to a rural area.
or a state or two away.