We both believe, Just because the guys in brooklyn have got it all screwed up doesn't mean we have to step away from spirituality. I go to church because i come out feeling better than when I went in. God is still real to me and If we can find a place to worship together then that is the best thing we can do for ourselves and our kids. I have a very personal relationship with God, it doesn't have to be reached through a church, but sometimes it does help. The Nazarenes have the best sommunity group of the churches we have looked at. many things for every age group, both social and spiritual. My prob with it is it's very 700 club coming from my background as a Catholic. But I'm willing to overlook the strangeness of how things seem, and see if I can connect with God and the people there. I hope you have all that you need and find all that you are looking for
Love in Christ to you,