lol Awesome interview! That's the deal, JWs have their beliefs but no real way of rationalizing them when pressed for hard answers. Present them with logical fallacies within their beliefs and they have to come up with bull$#!@ on the spot in retort or simply say, "I'll have to do research," and come back to you with the bull$#!@ they find or not return at all when they can't find an answer from their precious GB.
You see the same in Islam, believers will profess Islam as a religion of peace, but when pressed and specifically questioned on whether or not they would personally be in support of Sharia Law or a Caliphate being established, along with the stoning of adulterers, death penalty for homosexuals, genital mutilation of young girls, etc... they struggle to answer and then just try to dodge.
The majority of religions have no correlation with basic Human Rights, they're incompatible.
I would say the same for JWs, they profess to be peaceful and while individually you can have very pleasant conversations with them, as I'm sure you could with a majority of those of Islamic belief, however, their claims of being 'religions of peace,' are really misleading statements due to what they believe will happen to those not of their faith.
What I gather is, they're religions of peace only IF you're of the ones believing them, IF all the people believed as you do there'd be peace, thus my religion is one of peace. If you're of another faith, if you're a non-believer, or if you break the rules I adhere to, my religion will not be very peaceful for YOU. The only difference is the most extreme carry this judgement out themselves while JWs are just waiting on Jehovah to carry out his wrath and "justice."
It's the whole in/out group mentality for JWs as well as many other religions, their worldviews are completely skewed by their beliefs.