JoinedTopics Started by The_Doctor10
Crisis of Conscience
by The_Doctor10 infor those of you who haven't attempted to read or just haven't been able to obtain a copy of crisis of conscience by former gb member raymond franz, if you're interested, here's a link to an audio playlist reading of it:.
this person has made it his goal to put into audio form raymond franz's book.
New Light! - Old bulb was getting dim.
by The_Doctor10 in'this old bulb is about to go out, let's just unscrew this old light, screw this fresh one in, new light, we have new light!'.
it's always bugged me how you only see big doctrinal changes, "new light," happen right around the same time the "old light," is about to blow out.. this "over-lapping generation," teaching is the perfect example, "old light" was about to be extinguished as being impossible to maintain, "new light brothers, we have new light!
" and everyone is amazed, when all it is is a stop-gap fix.. "new light," is synonymous with, "buying time.
Feel like a new fire has been lit
by The_Doctor10 ini've spent the last 6 months or so really in depth into ttatt, really angry at times, cursing the cult that is the wts led by the fds, and today i feel like i've found a new fire.
i'd been completely opposed to listening to anything to do with the organization, but today i watched the brie video on youtube, young high school girl pouring her heart out in opposition of the wts and its practices.. from there, i found jwstruggle on youtube, johncedars, and derekohare... it's just a wonderful thing finding people willing to out the wts for what it is.
i had felt such anger, like, they're getting away with their bologna, but to see people like this making stands against the wts is an amazing source of hope.. besides forums such as this, what have you found that helped you?.
1993 AWAKE on Child Abuse
by The_Doctor10 in10/8/93 awake article about child abuse misconceptions, checkout the second misconception: children fantasize or lie about abuse.. this article notes how it's extremely unlikely that children lie in cases of abuse (95% in some estimates are truthful) and how even among the ones who lie it's usually when they make a claim (in truth) but then subsequently lie and say it didn't happen, when in actuality, it did.. given this knowledge, why the two witness rule?
95% odds that the child who claims abuse is telling the truth by the awakes own admission, that should be more than enough to change policies of the wts..
Education Level of GB
by The_Doctor10 inafter seeing so many topics about the stupidity of the gb, just got me wondering, anyone know the secular education levels of the gb?
are they high school level religious zealots or are they college educated manipulators?
An amazing interview by Sam Harris
by The_Doctor10 insam harris did this interview with megan phelps formerly of the infamous westboro baptist church, and i got to say holy $#!
@ the parallels to jw indoctrination/beliefs is actually pretty astonishing..
highly recommend everyone listen to this interview, especially if you're on the fence about continuing as a jw or in any other overbearing cult/religion..