To Blues: I am going to be controversial here in the hope of keeping the passion behind this thread alive... The problem with the WTBTS is that it is steeped in ANACHRONISTIC theology (everyone including me head for the Greek lexicon and English dictionary)
In simplistic terms, it takes the decision making of the era, out of context, to justify its stance.
It does it with the "two witness rule", Besty... It does it with the LAWS on Blood.
By its own words, it falls short of reasoning, eg: Blood, Medicine and the LAW of God...
There are COMMANDS, there are LAWS and there are PRINCIPLES.
Freddo, friend (?) do you not agree that Principles affect the Time and Context of Law? Read the Biblical context of the "Two witness" principle, read the Biblical context of "Abstain from Blood" and you will see the PRINICPLE behind the LAW.
None of this is listed in the Scriptures as A COMMAND.
In the case we are discussing, "Blues".. we have a classic example of the disenfranchized, disillusioned and the doubting calling for Justice and reform. If the WTBTS does not want to even receive this wake up call from those who once loved passionately.. then it will loose. It WILL end up labelled as a suburb of "Babylon the Great" and it will continue to wreck the lives of the "faithful" and the children that even David called an "inheritence". Now, Besty, please put your angst aside and start this forum reasoning.
We once, loved the "Truth"... didn't we?
Love to you all. Podo