a predatory JW paedophile Micheal Porter (UK) who has a 15 year record of abuse including the rape of his own baby but somehow evaded jail now is a member of my old congregation;Wimbledon. Words fail me, to think of the years of shunning that these idiots have heaped upon me even by my own family and this piece of shit was seen a this years memorial laughing and joking with the congregation. Strange that this news story slipped passed me when it was broadcast by the British media in 2007.
Just Heard Some Shocking News
by jookbeard 106 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
That is just sick. I feel sorry for those in the same cong as that paedophile scum. Lock up your children and keep a close eye on them always.
the ones in the same cong as him should start thinking a bit more a ship out, no ones stopping them
Do the people in that congregation even know?
I would have thought so Woodsy as it seems to have been reported by the respectable and tabloid press here, my informant's mum is still in the Wimbledon cong and when he speaks to her about him she justs shrugs her shoulders and shuts up.
Normally I don't believe that picketing does much good, but perhaps picketing that kingdom hall would at least raise awareness in both the congregation and the community regarding this piece of shit.
FF the thought had crossed my mind his father in law is an elder there FFS
Just for the record - how did he manage to get off with no jail time in the first place?
I think I can already guess how he managed to get off without being disfellowshipped.