Hi Kent,
I hear you!
What's MORE interesting just now is when the Middle-East explodes. The idiots in Israel will make the Middle-East the problem the US fears most - I'm pretty certain about that. And what then?The need of two new "small nuclear bombs" placed in Israel seems to be a solution, and you seem to accept those weapons as acceptable...
One thing that really amazes me is how the western world - particularly North America and the Brits - refuse to admit at least publicly the connection between Sept. 11 and the Arab-Isreali conflict.
From the first few hours following the attacks on NYC and the Pentagon, the whole thing was characterized as an attack on our freedom, way of life, etc. BULLSHIT!!!
No one wants to admit - the Israelis especially - that supporting Israeli actions and policy regarding the Palestinians is the main REASON that these horrible attacks took place. The U.S. led coalition can bomb the crap out of Afghanistan or any other country for the next hundred years, but if they keep supporting Israel in their battles against the Palestinians, the terrorist activities against western nations and their interests will not cease.
WAKE UP AMERICA!!! Your friendship with Israel is really starting to cost you. Let them fight their own battles. Do you really think that if the shoe was on the other foot that Israel would be helping out the Americans? They'd say SORRY, we're not going to put ourselves in great peril by involving OURSELVES in YOUR struggles...