Posts by Crux
Looking for a partner.....
by LouBelle inrighto, so who would like to get married?
i'm a great cook, good with kids, can clean and am currently in the process of losing weight.
in 6 months i'm good to go.
Reality exists in your brain
by Nickolas ini've just posted the following in another thread whose subject is supernatural experience, but it may deserve its own thread so i'll repost it here.
i don't believe in the supernatural but i do believe that people experience unexplained things.
where i differ from some people is that i perceive the unexplained things exist only in their brains and not in the physical world around them.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
I would suggest to your friend the book "Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming" by Stephen LaBerge. He's the foremost acedemic in the field of lucid dream research. I specifically suggest his book because not only does he go over all the techniques to induce lucid dreams but there is one chapter that specifically covers how to use lucid dreams to effect your waking life. In particular confronting and defeating nightmares. The book is one of the most often referenced works in the dreamer community.
You can buy a used copy of the book for a couple bucks on amazon.
Reality exists in your brain
by Nickolas ini've just posted the following in another thread whose subject is supernatural experience, but it may deserve its own thread so i'll repost it here.
i don't believe in the supernatural but i do believe that people experience unexplained things.
where i differ from some people is that i perceive the unexplained things exist only in their brains and not in the physical world around them.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
I've been rewatching Buffy The Vampire Slayer series the last few weeks, there's an episode where Buffy gains the ability to hear thoughts, this quote is applicable to this thread:
Oz: [voice over] I am my thoughts. If they exist in her, Buffy contains everything that is me and she becomes me. I cease to exist. [out loud] Hmm.
@Curtains - Lucid dreaming is very much like day dreaming but much more vivid and real. More...uhhh...lucid. :P One of the methods for lucid dreaming actually makes use of day dreaming in a way. The idea is to mediate solely on the dream you wish to enter and with enough practice you can fall asleep into your day dream essentially.
Reality exists in your brain
by Nickolas ini've just posted the following in another thread whose subject is supernatural experience, but it may deserve its own thread so i'll repost it here.
i don't believe in the supernatural but i do believe that people experience unexplained things.
where i differ from some people is that i perceive the unexplained things exist only in their brains and not in the physical world around them.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Lucid dreaming and dreaming in general are somewhat of a fascination of mine. I keep a dream journal and have excellent dream recall. And I have read/am reading several books on the subject.
As for "it's all in your head". There are several authors that take a much more extreme, spiritual view of lucid dreaming and out of body experiences. At least one example I can think of, the author believes that through lucid dreaming one can come in contact with "higher beings". is one of the largest dream communities on the net, they actually have to split up dream sections to give the exsistentialst view point thier own forum. Some people firmly believe in a connection that extends outside ourselves. Some even practice what they called shared dreaming, believing that you can enter someone elses dream.
Personally, I remain open minded, but have a hard time rationalizing my experiences the same way other people do. That whole content of consciousness thing. Subjective experience shaping my view of the world. If I ever experience a shared lucid dream, I'll change my rationale. Until then, just because we both dreamt about a cat on the same night doesn't really hold that much weight with me. :P
ANYway, what I really wanted to post was if like me you find the topic fascinating, you should check out the movie Waking Life. It's a rotoscoped/animated film about a guy who is perpetually stuck in a lucid dream, experiencing false awakening after false awakening. Through out the course of his dream he has philisophical discussions with his dream characters from a myriad of different view points. It's a great movie, and very quoatable. One of my favorite lines is about "not being an ant." Check it out!
Elder uses Congregation Bible Study as an opportunity to ban the movie Avatar
by easyreader1970 inlast night, during the congregation bible study, the conductor (overseer?
) used this as a platform to say that the movie avatar is of satan and no christians should see it.. .
he said that he googled the (original) meaning of the word avatar and it was of hindu religious origin.
Yeah but that guy possesses the alien body. Obviously demonic in nature. :P
Interestingly, my friends and I were never counciled about the star wars fan films we made and we've done several over the years.
What would you all do in this situation?
by EndofMysteries in- a married ex from a few years ago who has a kid now too, who after being with you got married within a few months, seems to decide they may have made a mistake, and want to meet you for a weekend but supposedly not to do anything wrong just for closure.
New video exposes the flat-earth cover-up
by Shepherd Book inmade this a while ago...just got around to posting it:.
Oh hey SB! Good too see a fellow browncoat here!
I Want To Order Some Books ...
by snowbird in... from i don't know how.
please, and thanks.. sylvia.
After you have created you account go to the Your Account page. Under the Settings section there's Address Book, click add a new address and fill it in. Then under Payment section click add a credit card, and fill in your info.
After you've done that add items to your cart then proceed to checkout and you can just select your address and credit card without having to fill them in again.
You should end up finally on the place order page where you can double check and change anything you need before clicking Place Your Order.
Failing that, find a friend and have them buy it for you! :P
Did you see the movie "Paranormal Activity"? What'd you think of it?
by Nathan Natas ini thought it made "the blair witch project" look like shakespeare's "macbeth".. what a piece of purest drivel!
i'm glad i waited to see it on directv rather than see it in the theater..
Not all movies need action to be enjoyed.
*shakes fist at hollywood*
Is Rationality All That And A Bag of Chips?
by metatron ini watched a recent performance by comedian ralphie mays and was struck by his humorous insight.
as a boy, he played with a friend who happened to be retarded and he raised objections to the word "retarded" ................... in regard to its going out of vogue, so to speak.
don't we all want to be "retarded"?
Atheism isn't a religion. (inb4 semantics argument!) ...anyway.
Interesting fact. Some neuroscientist agree that one reason we dream is to keep the brain preoccupied while other parts of the brain are shutdown to rest. One of those is the critical thinking part. So rationality and ignorance both have their place.
"Nobody gets outta here alive. The goal, then, is to delay the inevitable as along as possible by being smart about it.
Alcohol, drugs, flights of fancy, fantasy, wishful-thinking, illogic and superstition are the FALLBACK position of ignorant people with no grasp of the alternative: KNOWLEDGE."
I could argue the other side of that. If we are going to die and disappear and there is nothing we can do about it, what good is knowledge over ignorance in the end anyway. I'll take my flights of fancy, fantasy and wishful-thinking, a life of trying to (pointlessly) delay the inevitable sounds boring and uneventful. It makes sense mankind would create God. Simply accepting the inevitable is bleak.