There is an entire lost generation of Jehovah’s Witness males that were shut out of the program.
I’m one of them. I was actually appointed as ministerial servant in one congregation but they put so much work load on me and I didn’t know how to say NO that I quickly burnt out.
We moved to a new congregation and I was passed over because the circuit overseer felt my wife wasn’t spiritual enough. I guess being a new mom wasn’t a good enough excuse.
The problem with my wife is she is way too honest. She wouldn’t lie on her field service report and was always a low hour publisher.
They did appoint me again in a third congregation. My wife’s field service time was still very low but I guess rules change when they are desperate. I didn’t last very long in that appointment as the elders kept moving the goalposts in what they expected of me.
Now neither my wife nor me care and I was tired of jumping though hoops for manipulative elder bodies just to have another hoop put in front of me.
Good riddance