cognac reading your experience although i realize this post is a year old has really helped me to know that i am not alone in my feelings right now or current situation. Our backgrounds parallel in many ways and this is an exact situation i was battling with 2 weeks ago which led to me temporarily separating from my husband due to his going behind my back and doing exactly what your husband did to you. Trust is a HUGE factor to me and he broke that and betrayed me all to make himself look like the good guy. We have since reconciled as he asked for a second chance to prove himself to me but the damage has already been done and my name tarnished in his small hometown why? Simply because i cannot conscientiously agree with his religion and he chose to tell everyone that i do not believe anymore thus painting me as an apostate.
I'm currently giving him a second chance because i dont want to give up completely without saying that i at least gave it a chance to work but in my heart i know i will never be able to fully trust him again. I'm sorry things did not work out between you and your husband and I hope you are getting along fine and moving forward with your life. Although i gave my husband a second chance I too am preparing myself to make an exit for good should things go sour again.
It really boils my blood how an organization can come between the sanctity of marriage and condition an individual to put the needs of an organization ahead of one's own mate.I'm second place to this cult and no one should be put in that position to be treated less than what they deserve.
Hugs to you no matter what stage of your journey you are in and thank you for sharing your experience.
"Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.....