JW's are almost correct in their reason to not celebrate Christ-mass. The actual reason is this world is Satans world. 1st John clearly says the whole world lies in the power of Satan as this is his world. Satan offered Jesus all of the authority of this world, gov't as well as all of the false religion as this is just as much authority as the satanic gov't that he controls so anyone who celebrates there birth into this world is celebrating their birth into satans world. To celebrate the birth of Jesus would be to celebrate his birth into satans world. Clearly he does not want his birth to be celebrated into this world.
Therefore it would be of no value to know the exact day that he was born even right down to the hour, minute andsecond. He clearly says that his kingdom is not of this world as this is satans world waiting to be destroyed. Those who celebrate their own birth and that of their children is wrong. It shows that those who celebrate their birthday are satans people. That is why Solomon says that the day of death is better then the day of birth. Death gets one out of satans world hopefully. If you celebrate your birth into satans world than that is who you belong to. The celebrating of birthdays goes all the way back to Nimrod, the first to openly oppose God. He was satans and if you celebrate your birth and that of your children then you are satans but don't try to make Jesus to be as you are.