To me, I am not a Trinitarian, it is not a case of Jesus being God, or the refute thereof, but a case of Jesus being the fullfillment of that passage in the NEW Covenant.
That is correct. It is not a matter of identity. The scripture was not written to prove identity and does not try to do that. It is how the verse is now applied to the one that God sent to represent him that mattered and the Tetragrammaton can be used to do that. This is not any different than what happened to the angel that came in the name of the Tetragrammaton in other texts like in the burning bush. In NT texts we learn: Mr 12:26 And as touching the dead, that they rise: have ye not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spake unto him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? The fact that it was really an angel representing the tetragrammaton and identified by the name of God at the time does not matter. It is the application of this angel representing God not the identity of the one delivering the message that is the point of the text. Yet both the angel and the God that sent him are identified in the texts so we know how such things are done. The use of Lord by Paul made this applicatoin apparent like the word angel did in Ex. 3:2 and the text in Romans should not have been tampered with by the Watchtower.
John Gill comments on Joel 2:32 Ver. 32. And it shall come to pass, [that] whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered, &c.] Or "saved," as in #Ac 2:21; from those miseries and calamities before described, from the impending ruin and destruction of the city; and so it was, that those that believed in Christ, that were in the city, had an intimation of it beforehand, and removed from thence to a place called Pella {w}, and so escaped being involved in the common calamity: though this also may be understood of a spiritual deliverance and salvation by Christ, from sin, Satan, and the world, and from the second death, and wrath to come, and out of the hands of every enemy; which such share in who call on the name of the Lord, pray to him for grace and mercy, life and salvation, through Christ; that have a spiritual knowledge of God in Christ, real and sincere desires after him, and trust and confidence in him, which this phrase supposes; and which also includes the whole worship of God, internal and external, performed in a spiritual and evangelical manner; see #Ro 10:13;