Sorry that you had to 'endure' that torture.
It sounds like your friend Adam is a real character. I laughed a lot thinking about his 'Hail Jehovah' bit.
Really a clown!
Fond Regards,
Jim TX
hi guys!!!!.
as most of you all know, i was going to the district assembly in san francisco, with my parents.. well, i went, and it was interesting.... here it goes....... i left on thursday night.
my friend pam came to pick me up.
Sorry that you had to 'endure' that torture.
It sounds like your friend Adam is a real character. I laughed a lot thinking about his 'Hail Jehovah' bit.
Really a clown!
Fond Regards,
Jim TX
maybe it's just my observation, but wts magazines and books are not printed on re-cycled paper.
can this be proven to be true?
do any ex-bethelite know this for a fact?
Look. It doesn't matter if they are - or are not using 'recycled paper'.
Everyone knows that Jehovah can just 'snap' his fingers and restore the earth to a paradisaic condition - complete with forests.
Oh - that's right - those forests need to be cleared anyway to house - and provide land - for all of those resurrected ones, anyway.
So - what're ya complaining about? The WTBTS - since they're gettin their info straight from God's mouth... can do no wrong.
You can see this attitude in many of the JWs, too.
I know - when I was still married, there was a recycle effort locally for a while. The city left a plastic tub for plastics and cans.
We tried to oblige the city by putting out the recyclables... however, my ex-wifes' JW sister - she used the green tub for a toybox for the kids. She never did find the need to recycle.
I noticed many JWs with that same attitude. They have been 'pre-conditioned' to feel that their Jehovah will wave a magic wand and restore the earth to a paradise beauty.
I think they may have forgotten that it is THEY that are supposed to 'work' the earth back to this condition... but maybe there has been 'new light' on this since I left 20+ years ago.
Jim TX
my ex-wife's cooking was a religious experience.. it was either a sacrifice or a burnt offering.. .
jim tx.
My ex-wife's cooking was a religious experience.
It was either a sacrifice or a burnt offering.
Jim TX
what brings a smile to your face?
i cant help but smile when my wife laughs, or when my kids play outside.
i also smile when my boy, who is 15 wants to talk to me.
Hmmm... well, watching the neighbors' cat walking outside in the early morning - or late evening. He isn't stuck-up, and will talk to me. He has funny things to say.
Windy - in the chat room - and the silliness that usually accompanies her visits.
Windy - on the phone - and the silliness that usually accompanies those calls. <grin>
My 2 friends locally that I have - Joe and Sheri. They are pretty cool.
Driving through the country in my VW. Nice country up north of here.
The wind in the evenings when it blows cool.
There are other things... but they are humorous only when they happen - and aren't if I try to explain them later.
What used to make me smile?
My cats and dog that I used to have. They are clowns and know how to perform.
My daughter - she could be a clown too - when she wanted to be.
My ex-galpal in Australia - and seeing her on the webcam.
I may have missed a couple of things.
Jim TX
i just got done reading the thread on birthdays...it was very well written.
i especially liked the part about being careful not to have a narrow joyless existance.. today is fathers day.
i had several people ask me what i was getting my dad, and i replied, nothing, this isn't because i don't love him.
I don't have an answer to your questions. Your observations are sound. The JWs seem to 'pick' and 'choose' what they want to do - and what they don't to do.
Today, I was invited over to a good friends' home for supper. It was a Father's Day get-together. I went. I had fun. No scandalous celebrating or satanic rituals - just family.
I enjoy doing things like this. These folks are nice. Their kids are nice too.
I don't get to hang out with many folks these days, and it is good to go 'out' and see what others are like.
The kids even made me a 'Happy Father's Day' card - and gave it to me. They are really good kids.
I think that the JWs are too hung up on their "don't celebrate" shit. They really need to git a life.
Jim TX
last saturday, a former ministerial servant and pioneer committed suicide in the woodinville washington kingdom hall parking lot.
he was disfellowshipped several years ago, and according to the old sister that related the story to me today, he was depressed because no one would talk to him.
i don't know how i kept calm when she explained to me that "we couldn't talk to him...he was disfellowshipped.".
I am so sorry to hear about this. Many of us ex-JWs can relate to what this poor fella was going through... I know I can - even tho I never was DF'ed - I felt that I twernt 'good enuf' to be a JW.
As for your approaching the mom - I would recommend taking the 'high road'.
Take her a card - or flowers - or something nice - perhaps even a fruit basket.
Talk to her - nicely, and encouragingly. You know no one else is. After all... this fella was DF'ed. To them, he was just so much garbage that got left in their precious KH parking lot.
(Sorry - but their attitudes suck.)
Be sweet to his mom... she may git to thinking (if she already isn't).
Fond Regards,
Jim TX
is it just me, or is alchohol consumption at parties and vacations virtually an unwrittten rule of jw-culture?.
when i was in, i did not drink, and i still don't.
i often felt almost ostracized for this by my jw associates.
You're right - I don't drink all that much. I also know my limits, too.
I am talking about someone - my s-i-l - who I always saw, when we visited her - with a can of beer in her hand.
I don't think that she ever thought about her 'limits'.
Of course, a drunk person does not realize they're drunk either - adding to their feeling like they haven't reached their 'limit'.
I just wish that she and her hubby had a system - you know - the 'designated driver'. For the sake of her youngster that neither she nor her 3rd hubby seemed to care about.
Personally, I would NOT let my daughter go with them in their vehicle ANYWHERE!
Oh - the 5 or 6 - that's all I happened to see them put away. Did you see that I mentioned that they had a whole ice chest full of beer? Not a small ice chest either... the kind that it takes 2 people to lug around.
I can guarantee you - if these two got pulled over and given a breath-alyzer - they would fail - big time.
I like wine - and will drink occassionally - in the privacy of my home - and when I know I am not going anywhere afterwards.
(Hell, alcohol around here evaporates faster than I can drink it.)
I ain't against drinkin... it's the lack of responsibility that folks use when they drink, that I am against.
Jim TX
i am the proud owner of a bartender's certificate stating that i am a qualified mixologist and americas bartenders, inc. also sent me a list of bars to be interviewed at (two of which are within a mile of me)!
this is so cool.
drinks are on the house!
Congrats girl!!! YEAH!!!
I'm proud of you!!!!!
I took down some notes on ideas for your 'apostate bar' that you want to open...
some are corny... but they are kinda funny.
I'll write them up and e-mail them to ya.
Love ya,
Jim TX
is it just me, or is alchohol consumption at parties and vacations virtually an unwrittten rule of jw-culture?.
when i was in, i did not drink, and i still don't.
i often felt almost ostracized for this by my jw associates.
Does the phrase "Like a fish" mean anything to you?
A few years ago, when I was still married to my wife, we went to this JW gathering in a public park about 45 miles up the road.
I would pretty much just stay in the 'background', and my wife would introduce me to her JW friends... politeness abounded there... (yeah right).
Anyway, her sister, who is on her third hubby - arrived, and they plopped down this very large ice chest.
Upon openning it, they pulled out a couple cans of beer. This ice chest only had ice and beer in it. Full to the top, I think.
Everytime they finished one can, their other hand went into the ice chest and pulled out a fresh can.
I watched them put away almost 5 or 6 cans apiece.
The ironic thing... they had to drive quite a ways to get home. They had a youngster about 6 with them. I don't think it's right fer folks to not think of the youngsters - or others on the highway - cause you know durn well that they will be really sloshed when they 'hit the road' later that night.
The other ironic thing I saw - one of the main 'elders' wuz there. Of course, they 'bribed' him by handing him a 'cold one', and he gladly looked the other way.
MAybe I'm just an ol' fuddy duddie... but I don't think that they were paying attention to their own words... something about 'moderation'?
Jim TX
"dr. betheajackson:.
i don't think, 18 or 20 years ago, we knew much of anything about .
You know...
In NO way am I 'defending' the JWs - but think about it fer a second.
In the bible - which they seem to 'hold high' for their guidance and direction...
In Genesis, there were some pretty perverted folks... Lot fer instance... Genesis 19: - when them angels visited him and the folks from Sodom, wanted to have sex with them.
Lot pretty much wants to hand over his own virgin daughters to the mob!?! Never understood that. (Unless Lot was a sicko perverted person.)
Then later... his own daughters get him rip-roaring drunk... and HAVE SEX with their own father!!! (Personally... I think that whole family had problems...and don't even try to tell me that I 'missed the point' of that scripture.)
So - any JW who has read the bible... may think it's OK to be perverted. It's in the bible, you know.
(Ok - stretching a point... I know... but... well, I'll be quiet now...)
Jim TX