I have actually put a lot of thought into this very subject. I am afraid if I post my thoughts, the lurking JW bethel member will pick up on my idea. But here it goes.
1- Centralized Authority
This is actually a huge problem for the Watchtower. Having so much power delegated to central authorities makes the organization hard to manage. and therefore un-effective for a number of reasons.
When your authority figure is distant and not known by the rank and file member, dedication and motivation plummet. In fact the only thing one can reinforce is obedience by fear.
Look at the LDS [Mormon] Church as a good example of how to manage members. Much of the authority is delegated to local "Stake" and "ward" levels. Pretty much ALL inquiries and disciplinary models are handled locally. this gives leadership freedom and leeway to handle individuals based on customs and circumstances differently.
Another huge advantage to this is that local leadership knows intimately the people they are dealing with. This of course means no hasty conclusions are going to be made [for the most part] and the individuals respond much better to correction and changes being made.
Another huge factor to consider is the loyalty to leadership as well. When more responsibility is delegated and entrusted to local leaders, their dedication to the organization increases which means less retention and increased loyalty. Leaders and members not being governed by fear is a HUGE motivational factor to consider.
2- Scripted Material
This is almost an extension of the first problem. When ALL talks are prepared centrally, this takes away from the human element of giving speeches. Have you ever watched somebody read a passionate speech from a teleprompter? It comes across as fake. The information may be insightful, but moving people into action is [at its core] an emotional appeal. something that cannot be manufactured or scripted.
In an effort to be consistent across all kingdom halls, the Watchtower has sacrificed passion, emotion, love and all those elements that make persuasive speeches moving at the alter of strict doctrinal consistency. The result?
Members who come to meetings and hear informational material, but are not passionately moved to do anything. Only repeat information to others out of fear, which by the way will not motivate others they speak to who are not governed by fear.
3- No Culture
Lets be honest, If you ask the average joe on the street: "What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe" nobody will know. In fact, the only thing they know are what the Jehovah's Witness DONT believe. Having a reputation for only negative factors is a huge blind spot. [not celebrating holidays, flag salute , etc..]
Jehovah's Witnesses can only relate to one another [brotherhood] with negative factors. Oh I don't celebrate holidays either! This is hardly the glue that should mold a culture together.
The Watchtower needs to encourage a culture of diversity, where individual talents and passions are encouraged, not smothered. Instead of having Christmas, why dosnt the Watchtower promote other Holidays of their own choosing? Have a separate and unique culture that can counter the culture around them.
By not doing this, they loose a HUGE amount of the younger generation who feel shackled and confined.
4- Kingdom Halls Stuck in the turn of the 20th century
lets be honest, the "church" model that the Watchtower has is stuck in the last century. Who sings Hymns anymore. Being inside of a kingdom hall is enough to make anybody anxious and unwelcome. In an effort to be neutral of religious icons, they have again replaced that perceived neutrality for a dull and culturally dead atmosphere.
I have lots more, but time limits me. peace out