ok well as far as personality issues, you have a lot of clicks at bethel just like you would in some congregations. and lots of kids that dont even want to be there but have to because of family presure....what happens when one of those kids that just want to party all night gets put in a room with a serious bethelite that wants to study for parts.....well you have a clash. also as far as race, bethel has people from all over the country....including cities that are mostly one race...what happens when one of those brothers come to bethel and has to work closely with every race imaginable....that some times dose not turn out well.
JoinedPosts by escape-artist
ex bethelite experiences
by escape-artist inhello i used to serve at wallkill bethel.
i lived in the c building, i remember doing my watchman asignments with the little divice that you use to scan the areas you are supposed to reach.
at this time the construction was not complete in the printery and areas next to the main lobby.
JWs growing in numbers despite opposition and criticism from apostates and other religious commentators. Why?
by african GB Member ini believe there are now over 7 million jws worldwide(correct me if i am wrong).
what makes this growth possible despite all the exposure on the internet and other media?.
not forgetting court cases and lawsuits.. is this not a sign that perhaps this is the true religion?.
keep in mind that this is a cult, and part of what cults do is put fear in an individual to control them, also they make you mentaly dependant on them by telling you that all outside information is from the devil and independant thinking is also from the devil.... you then have a person who is scared to leave and is so ignorant of the outside world that they dont trust all the warning signs telling them that something is wrong. so yes jw think they are true because of 7 mil. members, but thats because they are trained to think that way. and yes everytime something bad happens in the world jw will use it to ad wait to there claim..... as if christian churches didnt already know that there will be a final judgment. if you are still thinking like a cult member then you need help and time to adjust.
ex bethelite experiences
by escape-artist inhello i used to serve at wallkill bethel.
i lived in the c building, i remember doing my watchman asignments with the little divice that you use to scan the areas you are supposed to reach.
at this time the construction was not complete in the printery and areas next to the main lobby.
i think one of the reasons it was so competitive at bethel was because the idea was "more work less people" the better you were at your job the more likely you could be made an asistant overseer or even an overseer. looking back on it now, i understand that all jobs paid the same.....nothing. but peer presure to do well and be populare was stronger then anything i have ever felt in my life. my biggest number one problem at bethel was having a roomate in those tiny rooms, i need privacy to re energize myself and there was zero privacy anywhere at wallkill bethel. there was no place without people making noise, and my roomate liked to play his music up realy loud. bieng around that many people all the time realy whore me out, i mean i seriously need my space which i had plenty of when i was pioneering. it was hard to get to know my congregation because my mind was absorbed with bethel andentrance school....which sucks because you learn absolutely nothing lol. but because my congregation was 45 minuets away i couldnt just up and go visit people like i would at home. i tried auxilary pioneering and it about killed me lol. the strange thing is that there was this overpowering love i had for what i was doing, i truly felt i was doing it for god....so i loved being at work...i would literaly not want to leave, i wanted to have everything in that warehouse memorized. but my asignment was far from perfect because there were personality problems and racial tension, this confused me because i never had racial issues in the world.....and that was suposed to be the house of god.
ex bethelite experiences
by escape-artist inhello i used to serve at wallkill bethel.
i lived in the c building, i remember doing my watchman asignments with the little divice that you use to scan the areas you are supposed to reach.
at this time the construction was not complete in the printery and areas next to the main lobby.
ok so i just found out you can only post 10 times in a day lol. any way i planed to stay at bethel for the rest of my life, i may as well be honest....i had problems staying focused as a single brother.in my congregation there realy wasent many sisters my age, and the few i knew from the congregations near me where leaving the truth or the city. i could stay focused in my congregation, but when i got to bethel it was like a miss universe pagent....all the sisters that were not old were hot and i dont even need to menchon the tours. so i decided to work extra hard in my assignment and congregation so i could stay focused because 95 percent of all women there were married, so it was not right to be tempted by them. they give you house keeper training which puts you alone with a sister who trains you how to keep your room in order.....man was that tough, and i wasent the only brother having trouble. so anyway i tried to work extra hard in my assignment, the whole idea was to do everything perfectly....... no joke, the competition was every single day as to who was the best fork lift driver and picker. creating orders for the loades going on the trucks was called picking and it was a big deal as to who was the best at it.
What else is there?
by dig692 ini am beginning to question the existence of a christian god, or any god for that matter, but i also can't quite commit to believing in evolution.
so where does that leave me?
what other theories are there?.
how about going back to school...mabey even taking some courses in theology.
ex bethelite experiences
by escape-artist inhello i used to serve at wallkill bethel.
i lived in the c building, i remember doing my watchman asignments with the little divice that you use to scan the areas you are supposed to reach.
at this time the construction was not complete in the printery and areas next to the main lobby.
nathan natas that is crazy, it is hard to imagine contrabutions being used to by high seniority people cars and suits. the major hypocritical thing about that is the vow of poverty, we all took a vow of poverty so how did they get new cars and things? they should not have exepted them even as gifts because of there vow. not a good example to there brothers and sisters in keeping things simple.
ex bethelite experiences
by escape-artist inhello i used to serve at wallkill bethel.
i lived in the c building, i remember doing my watchman asignments with the little divice that you use to scan the areas you are supposed to reach.
at this time the construction was not complete in the printery and areas next to the main lobby.
another thing that was cool was the bethel intranet, like the internet but only for bethel. it had all congregations with bethelites, the bethelites names etc, it even had all the branches and there phone numbers. and did anyone find it strange that all of c.t.russels books were right in the library along with non jw books like the book of morman. why is the book of morman in the wallkill b residence building library?
ex bethelite experiences
by escape-artist inhello i used to serve at wallkill bethel.
i lived in the c building, i remember doing my watchman asignments with the little divice that you use to scan the areas you are supposed to reach.
at this time the construction was not complete in the printery and areas next to the main lobby.
well they only had the steers when i was reassigned to the field. but thats what we were there for in food service, we had our own corn and berries and it was our job in food service to care for these things. what was interesting was missing meetings because of having to work late.since i also worked at the food warehouse we had to wait for the trucks to come in with our supplies of food. sometimes they would come in late and we would have to wait for them. some of the food was exotic and fancy fruits i had never seen before, but some how the older bethel family members could aford that stuf. and man have you seen the cars these guys drive, can anyone explain how someone who has been at bethel 50 years can aford a 2007 cadilac....in 2007? so yea i didnt see the gb or older members of the family keeping a simple life.
ex bethelite experiences
by escape-artist inhello i used to serve at wallkill bethel.
i lived in the c building, i remember doing my watchman asignments with the little divice that you use to scan the areas you are supposed to reach.
at this time the construction was not complete in the printery and areas next to the main lobby.
we had what we called a kill every thursday, that meet was what we worked on the rest of the week. the animals were outside behind fences just like any farm, then they were taken to the slaughter house on thursday. working at the slaughter house was a little of a status symbol that you were tough and had an important job. we would shoot the animal in the head with a rod gun which stuned it, when it droped to the ground we had to hurry and chain its hind legs to a machine that would lift the animal in the air hanging by its hind legs. then you take your knif and cut the animals chest and neck wide open so that blood poored out like it was coming from a bucket...thats how the animals died, they were stuned and cut open to bleed out. some times they would wake up while being cut open and you saw an animal hanging by its legs screaming with blood pooring out of it till it choaked on its own blood....it was grows, but considerd a good asignment because it ment you were tough. how are animals killed outside of bethel?
ex bethelite experiences
by escape-artist inhello i used to serve at wallkill bethel.
i lived in the c building, i remember doing my watchman asignments with the little divice that you use to scan the areas you are supposed to reach.
at this time the construction was not complete in the printery and areas next to the main lobby.
by the way i worked in the food warehouse, the slaughter house,h.b.s., and the infirmary. and i had the most crazy overseer of all time lol.