...........and just for the hell of it I'll answer the question.
Everyone of us that left, left during their 18-35 except me I left at 17, when I left home to get away
just wanted to start this to get a pulse on how many young jw's are exiting percentage wise recently in the witness organization.
in my family i have 8 young people aged 21 through 35 .
these are my son and two daughters and my older siblings 5 adult children.
...........and just for the hell of it I'll answer the question.
Everyone of us that left, left during their 18-35 except me I left at 17, when I left home to get away
just wanted to start this to get a pulse on how many young jw's are exiting percentage wise recently in the witness organization.
in my family i have 8 young people aged 21 through 35 .
these are my son and two daughters and my older siblings 5 adult children.
In my immediate family which includes
my parents and my 7 siblings (4 girls 3 boys) there is one boy and both parents active baptized Dubs.
My oldest sister was 2 years old when my parents were sucked into the cult.
Us children in order girl, girl, boy (me), girl, boy, boy, girl. My brother down from me is the one that is still delusional. Something that is interesting is my youngest brother had actually spent several years in the belly of the beast in Bethel NY. I have no idea what he did there ? I do know he is now in southern California and no longer a Dub.
... i think i'll watch anyway when betty white hosts may 8..
I remember thinking about the parallels of the Land Shark and the JW's.
Going door to door killing people.....good times
i don't get it.. they're wrong about almost everything they say.
they flip-flop on dates, chronology, prophecy, bible understandings.........
Be serious in your psychosis
Reality destroys the facade
the wt non-real study article for this coming week april 26 - may 2 in paragraph 3 mentions that during the past 10 yhears more than 2.7 million people have been baptized.
i was wondering what the total dub land census was at that time i.e.
10 years ago, and how many they are now, and of course the loses, any have that info i would very much appreicate it ifn you could post it here.
They borrowed a hockey stick from Michael Mann.
i've seen that----> (dubs or dub) used quite a few times but haven't connected it to anything.. could someone 'splain it to me.
thanks, it's early spring time uphere and my brain is not completely thawed.
Thanks everyone
i've seen that----> (dubs or dub) used quite a few times but haven't connected it to anything.. could someone 'splain it to me.
thanks, it's early spring time uphere and my brain is not completely thawed.
I've seen that----> (dubs or dub) used quite a few times but haven't connected it to anything.
Could someone 'splain it to me
Thanks, it's early spring time uphere and my brain is not completely thawed
The Tower of Babel was built to get "up" with God.
The lunar missions and other lofty goals seem to be nothing more then "getting there first" and then trying to figure out what good it is.
I'd say it's similar to climbing Mt. McKinley, after you reach the top you enjoy the view for a moment and they you go back home.
"Nice view ! holy crap it's cold ! let's get out of here !"
i would just like some opinions on something that seems strange to me.
there is a man at my sons' school who comes every day to pick up his daughter.
he has always been friendly with me, and i am friendly back, which is fine.
witnesses are supposed to be "exemplary" and not like the "world".
yet some jws are pretty notorious.. did you know of any jws that did some real bad things?.
i knew a pious witness who got caught twice trying to solicit prostitutes.
Almost all I knew in my youth were arrogant, lying, assholes not worth me even trying to recall their names.