I don't know, but I think it is really sad. That poster is in need of mental help.
please dont say nike sneakers or mcdonald's sweet tea because i am screwed..
I don't know, but I think it is really sad. That poster is in need of mental help.
it is [email protected].
it is a very secure way for you to email me.
there is no way for any of you to track my location, etc.... if any of you threat me or something like that, the server can track you down with the cooperation of law enforcement, just fyi.
Yeah asilentone, what's going on?
why is it that jw officials always refuse to take part in religious discussion shows like that presented by john ankerberg?
ia it because they lack deep knowledge of biblical interpretation?.
It depends on the congregation Blondie. I've been to several church funerals. Some of them I went with my uncle who is the PO. Our family never even discussed whether it was right or wrong, it's not like going to Sunday service. Course now I've done that so, oh well.
why is it that jw officials always refuse to take part in religious discussion shows like that presented by john ankerberg?
ia it because they lack deep knowledge of biblical interpretation?.
I would imagine it would be an environment that they, WT, would not be able to control, and we know how they must be in control. They cannot open themselves up to that kind of public scrutiny. I'm sure they would be made to look like fools.
july 15, 2010 wt page 22, 23:.
would all anointed christians shine?.
in a sense, yes, for all christians would participate.
What I just don't understand, and I have spoken with my mom about it is, how the GB can claim to receive things from the holy spirit, but need to constantly clarify (change) things. I mean, it's Jah's HS, which means the message should be true, understandable. Where exactly is the breakdown in this chain? I mean, somebody in the process must be dumb. Why wouldn't the message be clear the first time?
"holy spirit helps responsible
representatives of “the faithful
and discreet slave” at world headquarters to
discern deep truths that were not previously
When are they going to print how exactly these "responsible" reps are getting these messages?
i just read this piece at financial armageddon: .
more about that 'healthy' consumer spendingi've highlighted posts at the market ticker, business insider's the money game, and housingwire which have suggested that one reason why americans can afford to keep on spending in the face of 20 percent underemployment and stagnant incomes is because many of them have decided to stop paying the mortgage.. now, yves smith, publisher of another one of my daily must-read blogs, naked capitalism, and author of econned, a great new book on how we got into the mess we are in, is also weighing in on the subject.
in the following excerpt from "strategic defaults increase consumer spending," yves reveals some of the eye-opening tidbits that others have passed along to her:.
No, I try not to know too much about the JWs finances around me. That may lead to them trying to borrow money from me.
let your voice be heard!
visit the site below and vote on god's top 50 killings.
1the amalekite genocide1sam 15:2-320 ratings2jeroboam's son: god kills another child1kg 14:1715 ratings3god and satan kill job's children and slaves in a betjob 1:18-1917 ratings4god sent two bears to rip apart 42 boys for making fun of a prophet's bald head2kg 2:23-2424 ratings5god killed a couple hundred thousand because david had a census that he (or satan) inspired him to have2sam 24:15, 1chr 21:1420 ratings6jephthah sacrifices his daughter to god as a burned offering (to pay him back for helping him slaughter 20 cities)jg 11:3922 ratings7god killed every first born egyptian child and animalex 12:29-3028 ratings8an angel killed 185,000 sleeping soldiers2kg 19:34, is 37:368 ratings9god slowly killed david's baby boy to punish david for adultery2sam 12:14-1823 ratings10god sent lions to eat those that don't fear him enough2kg 17:25-2612 ratings11samson murders 30 men for their clothesjg 14:1913 ratings12seventy heads in two heaps2kg 10:6-1012 ratings13god killed one million ethiopians2chr 14:9-1415 ratings14god kills ezekiel's wife and tells him not to mourn her deathezek 24:15-1814 ratings15elijah kills 450 religious leaders in a prayer contest1kg 18.22-4015 ratings16god killed uzzah for trying to keep the ark from falling2sam 6:6-7, 1chr 13:9-1015 ratings17god killed 50,070 for looking into the ark of the lord1sam 6:1920 ratings18who is on the lord's side?
Number 4. Bears to kill teasing kids? Apparently God does not believe in freedom of speech.
I find it interesting that David commited premeditated murder to cover his other sin, and was allowed to live. Kids being kids suffered a painful bear attack. Seems disproportionate.
the reality is: jehovah's witnesses benefit no one but themselves!.
they don't contribute to society.
they refuse to get involved in local interests because that would constitute violating their neutrality.. if sexual abuse allegations are made amongst their members, unless two witnesses can attest to the molestation, they refuse to get the "superior authorities" involved.. they claim to be doing their neighbors a "life saving" work but the reality is that they simply are pests to their "householders".. they are a tax free "religion" and they do not pay taxes.. they are judgmental people and regard the "world" as "worldly" and in the "power of the wicked one".. and if the individual members do not conform to the organization's dictates, they might very well be "shunned" and regarded as "dead".. why anyone would want to be a jehovah's witness is beyond me..
You are forgetting that they keep the people who make the ugly "little house on the prairie" dresses working.
having spoken to a few nurses about the whole "blood factions" thing i find they just look blank.... i was wondering is this normal?
or is blood factions just a made up jw term that bears no resemblance to real medical life?.
calling all to answer and especailly those in the medical field please....
I have a JW friend with a no blood keychain. From a first responder perspectice, this is useless.
That is so true! Speaking as an ER RN, if you come in unconscious, and you need blood, you're getting blood! We don't look through your belongings to try to find your card. A keychain won't make a difference either. First priority is saving lives.
I agree with JeffT. I have administered blood to patients in many forms- red blood cells, plasma, platelets, etc. It's all considered blood/blood products. I was very surprised that the WT decided to allow certain things, but still holds fast on getting whole blood. It is ridiculous to say you can separate out the components of blood, but not take them in their original form.
i'm one of the few jws that freely admit our faults and mistakes.. let's compare notes!.
"I accuse them of wasting the first 30 years of my llife."
Amen, amen!