MsDucky that is sad. Hopefully someday they will wake up before they have wasted too much time, and turned down good offers. When I think of the good worldly men that colleagues would try to fix me up with, oh boy.
JoinedPosts by serenitynow!
WOW!!! Just found out from someone who went to the one day assembly....
by Lady Liberty inhello friends... just found out that at the recent one day assembly they are now really discouraging people from getting married!!!!!
they will lose young ones like crazy if they start telling them that they cannot get married...what are these sexually frusterated young people to do??
you cannot masterbate, you cannot have sex outside of marriage (not that i would encourage it either, but...), now you cannot even get married?????
My tale of woe
by serenitynow! ini guess i should tell my story.
i'm a born in.
both parents are jw, they did the pioneer serve where the need is great thing.
Oh he definitely owes support. I don't know if anything can be gotten from him, being self employed. That is another thing he used to do, go to court and plead poverty, so as to not pay anything.
WOW!!! Just found out from someone who went to the one day assembly....
by Lady Liberty inhello friends... just found out that at the recent one day assembly they are now really discouraging people from getting married!!!!!
they will lose young ones like crazy if they start telling them that they cannot get married...what are these sexually frusterated young people to do??
you cannot masterbate, you cannot have sex outside of marriage (not that i would encourage it either, but...), now you cannot even get married?????
"Man these guys are nuts!!! But, I'm happy they are and hopefully people will think about what they are saying and it will spark some independent thinking."
I agree, but they have always said crazy things. I always wonder how people stayed in when they became aware of "miracle wheat" and then Beth Sarim. Off of those things alone, CTR and Rutherford look like the villiage idiots. When I read about Beth Sarim recently, I was like, "what!" That was the most bizarre thing to me. I was so embarrassed. I never knew about these things when I was in though. Maybe it takes taking a step back and viewing the religion with a critical eye to really be able to see the insanity.
WOW!!! Just found out from someone who went to the one day assembly....
by Lady Liberty inhello friends... just found out that at the recent one day assembly they are now really discouraging people from getting married!!!!!
they will lose young ones like crazy if they start telling them that they cannot get married...what are these sexually frusterated young people to do??
you cannot masterbate, you cannot have sex outside of marriage (not that i would encourage it either, but...), now you cannot even get married?????
This is really sick. Does anyone have a recording of that talk? I can't believe this!
My tale of woe
by serenitynow! ini guess i should tell my story.
i'm a born in.
both parents are jw, they did the pioneer serve where the need is great thing.
Thanks to all for responding. I have been inactive for years, but was bothered by my father's good standing in the congregation while making no attempt to repent by trying to make up for his mistakes with his children. I still believed in the org when I wrote the letter, so my expectations were different. Since becoming aware of what the religion really is, I am no longer confused as to why they don't want to discipline my father. At this point I feel like I can let the matter rest. The letter accomplished a few things I wanted to do- make my father aware of my feelings about what he did to us, and expose him to the BOE and org. When I still believed, I said "well I have not given the society the chance to make this right" so I wanted to make sure that they knew. Even though the letter was not a public one, like in the paper, it was several pages long, with alot of my raw feelings and horrible memories, it took me weeks to write and was emotionally draining. Anyone reading the letter knows this is not a good man. I made sure to emphasize that "even" by worldly standards, he is not a good person.
I'm not DF'd or DA'd so I will not be doing anything public, although I am tempted to take some danger tracts I read about and leave them in places if I am coerced to go to the DC. I am very angry with the org, and if hounded, i.e. threatened with JC, will DA, but I would prefer not to because I may lose extended family. I may lose them anyway, as I have not yet told them what I have discovered (that it's a cult), that I didn't go to the Memorial, and don't want to go to another meeting anyway. I will play it by ear. My mother and sister know. My sister shares alot of my feelings about the org, and respects my decisions, and will stick by me. My mom is unhappy with my decisions, preaches at me whenever possible, and calls me ignorant and stupid for not wanting to read the bible, and/or believe in god- yes, I dropped that bombshell on her recently. My mom will however associate with me anyway.
At this point I just want to build a life for myself, basically starting from scratch. I am very happy to have found this site, I have learned many valuable things.
My tale of woe
by serenitynow! ini guess i should tell my story.
i'm a born in.
both parents are jw, they did the pioneer serve where the need is great thing.
Hi. I guess i should tell my story. I'm a born in. both parents are jw, they did the pioneer serve where the need is great thing. Father was an elder mom was a housewife.Neither went to college, father was a window washer. We were very poor, no insurance only have memories of going to a clinic a handful of times for immunizations, no other medical care. Father left the family, was having an affair with some pioneer tramp. He wouldnt pay child support, and things got even worse financially. He totally abandoned us, we did not even have a phone number for him. my mom had to in to work with no degree, no help and mental illness (undiagnosed) Dad resurfaced years later, not disfellowshipped, still no interest in seeing his children. meanwhile mom lost the house and got buried in debt. I've had depression since childhood and am on meds. I have had difficulty getting the brothers in my fathers hall to take his abandonment seriously. Also wrote new york about it, no response.
Are you single and looking? Or Do you consider yourself to be available?
by Scott77 inare you single and looking for a soul mate?
or do you consider yourself to be available?
please, declare on this thread..
Deep into kosher? are you jewish?
Why all the 'Hell' topics this week?
by AK - Jeff inthere is no such thing is there?.
no such place, but it sure gets alot of publicity.
could it be that hell is one helluva tool for control?.
I thought it was just me noticing it. I think that MadJW dude got it all going, now that is all anyone is thinking about!
Frowning on education and its potential effect
by dgp inhere and in other websites (such as jwfacts) i learned that the wt frowns on higher education but is also aware that it needs trained staff.
i also learned that at some point they weren't as tight on learning more skills because they found that the rank and file witness had trouble finding a job that would let him do for a more decent living.
well, i wonder what happens in poorer countries, where salaries are much lower, jobs much more scarce, and where an university degree is still a huge advantage but no guarantee of anything.
I don't think they care about the effect of lack of education. I think that alot of their empire is built on people with crappy lives. If your life is bleak now, with no way of it becoming better in this world, that carrot of a paradise looks especially good. I also thought religions typically had much success in third world countries because of. I've heard them refered to as "rice Christians". I think that is another way the WTBS keeps people enslaved. Not only don't they want higher learning because of the potential for learning critical thinking, I believe they also don't want people to have too nice a life in "this system" because they wont have that drive to "do more" so they can get to paradise. Therefore, they won't be generating income for the Tower.
Ask any JW, you get way more interest in this religion in the ghetto. Go to an upper middle class + neighborhood, they couldn't care less about the message. As one brother I worked with out in FS said, "they've already got their paradise."
Are you single and looking? Or Do you consider yourself to be available?
by Scott77 inare you single and looking for a soul mate?
or do you consider yourself to be available?
please, declare on this thread..
Well Scott, what's your situation? Are you starting a dating service or what?