The most dangerous place to between a mother and her child!!!~
Only those who cannot relate (or not too smart) will mess with a mama bear!!!! LOL ~~~
JUST MOM ~~~(who is a mama bear also)
a woman named amanda started hearing a voiced telling them that a comet was going to destroy the earth.
they bought a house in the north carolina mountains to prepare, thinking the voice belongs to the dead former owner of the house.
The most dangerous place to between a mother and her child!!!~
Only those who cannot relate (or not too smart) will mess with a mama bear!!!! LOL ~~~
JUST MOM ~~~(who is a mama bear also)
so where do you start?.
i've been reading peoples experiences for several months now trying to figure out what i want to say but how do you put your whole life into a few words?.
i was a born in but have been happy and free for 5 years and luckily for me my husband felt the same way and we have freed our children from being brainwashed.
HELLO dear free and happy and gone AWOL.......
I love your story and strength and so happy to hear that you were united in your stand. My husband and I and our sons left together also 15 years ago and were raised inside all our lies.
So many are not as fortunate as we are as you mentioned "two by twos into the ark lol" And have lost so many including their mates and or even their children.
Your story is very familiar to many of us and ooh WELCOME by the way!!!!!
so glad your daughter is doing well and you never made the choice to withhold blood to save her life. It is one of the non forgiveable sins the WTBS haunts us with and you were correct in your research. We are not under the old law and yes it did apply to animals and because the life of it is IN the blood and the life or spirit of it belonged to Jah it was to be poured out so that it could return to him this way. Back to the dust that it came from like Adam was told.
Now many different ones will interpret the bible and say one must not take eat blood and that taking it in any way is like eating it.
This is not true as the one who gave his life on our behalf said that "there is no greater love one can have than to be willing to surrender his life on behalf of one another.". And if life is in the blood then when it comes to the choice of giving blood and or taking it, that is how one can surrender his soul to an extent. Even if one doesn't actually die in the event it is the "giving of ones life" ( to the extent it is in their blood ) on behalf of another.
it is also the same individual our lord that said " in order to have life in ourselves, to live forever, to be resurrected, to remain in union with HIM one " MUST EAT the flesh of the son of man AND drink his blood!". John 6:48-59 The bread and wine are a metaphor type of the actual body and blood Per se but it is something that is encouraged to either sustain or give life. So our lord would not say something and then later teach us from the WTBS that it is wrong. Who's voice do we listen to? The voice that gave his life on our behalf or the WTBS that so many of us listened to for ooh so long.
NOW...some may ask "how or why do you listen to a voice or follow someones lead that you have NEVER seen?". Even though this one only teaches me that love is truly the answer to how a follower would live and walk.
Well it's not hard after your whole life following the voice of another that you also have NEVER seen and that lies to you and teaches love but does not really show it. ( after all most have never met the GB been to bethel knows even who actually is writing the wt and literature etc...who's in charge ). ....
But have always trusted them and what they tell them and never questioned them as the so- called faithful and discreet slave.
Again welcome and nice to have met you both
Love Justmom
attend the memorial this year..
My husband and I and sons will attend once again as we have for several years now. We did not go for a few years as fear of man chased us away. Then we realized they have NO power or control over us and cannot even kick us out as they had previously years again at memorial time.
It is NOT to worship with them but to show them that this new covenant that Christ opened up is for "ANYONE" not just 144,000. They "may" never get to have in the back of their minds in order to maybe question (a seed of doubt) unless they see individuals they have known their whole life and even their own children and grandchildren nephews, friends etc... PARTAKE.
It gives a true witness to them how they "shut up the kindgom" and yet demand all their members to adhere to a covenant for life that they do not EVEN allow them to partake of. How can they call themselves christians and make these promises and yet withhold the "ONE" that can make all things possible. JOHN 6:48-59
If only one or two see it, Praise Jah! If least they can't say...."why didn't you tell us?" We did! We even SHOWED you!
But that is why we will go honestly and truthfully but it is up to each individual as to what they do, and that is okay!
Love to you all and... our family that are still inside
to the household of god, israel, and those who go with... may you all have peace!.
i just wanted to share with you, briefly, what i have come to understand as to why disfellowshipping by the wtbts works... why it can continue being fomented as it is.
i realize there are pages and pages of studies regarding cults and cult mindsets, etc., but i am not going to inundate you with such but rather try to keep this simple.
After being disfellowshipped for so-called apostacy and "ONE" of many rumors that went on about my husband and I after we left was that we had been possibly molesting our OWN children........ (which in my opion was the worst accusation one can make) AND ANYONE and EVERYONE should have known us better than that to say, "NO WAY!" They have NEVER been anything but a loving family and were there for everybody in the congregation when they needed things"......therefore YES they should have "ASKED" what in the world happened to make you SEE in such a short amount of time that the organization was a "FALSE CHRIST"..
But they didn't. Neither did anybody on either sides of our family. Both my husband and I were raised in the org.
I know now that there are almost 99.99999% of the time another side of a story. And that because I had wished they had granted that of my husband and I ...sorta like a court trial..a fair court trial.....heck just even a trial..... I have learned that I NEED to be that way with everyone else.
I am reminded of the verse that states " That if come to know your brother....(even not your brother maybe even your acquaintance or even a so-called enemy) has something against you...because The Love of Christ will even go as far....before you take your gift offering to Jah shouldn't you at least tryyyy to make peace with them. And wouldn't trying involve looking into what caused the feeling or accusation.?
That I understand now.....much more because of what I have been through what that may have reference to.
It does help alot and I have found that alot of times things are NEVER as they appeared which saved a lot of judgeing in my heart that "I" didn't need. LOL
i have had to make some very difficult decisions in recent days.
in one way i feel good about takeing care of myself and my mother who is on her dead bed in the room next to me.
mom has live with me since 2005 and started to make her journey to the other side on christmas day.
Dearest Roberta
I just read your story and wanted to also send my prayers and thoughts to you. You are by your mothers dying side and have been for 8 years. She knows this and feels this even if she cannot express it today. That is what "The Love of Christ" is about. That is a witness that your JW family cannot say they have been a part of. I lost my Mom two years ago and I tried to offer myself regularly in the end and she refused because I was a "so-called apostate" So although this time is so hard and exhausting, you will look back and always know you did the loving thing.
may you find comfort
Love Justmom
this is a sincere request to any brothers or sisters who are fearful of websites such as this; .
please imitate the beroeans who carefully examined the scriptures to see if what the apostle paul said was the truth.
they were described as being "noble minded" for doing so!!.
. If "alien residents" could not become participants (only beneficiaries) of the Law Covenant because they were not"natural Israelites", then why were Rahab and Ruth (both pagan worshippers) assimilated into God's nation and allowed to corrupt the Messianic lineage?
Hello Dear Searcher
It may have already been covered but this thought and question I too had asked once. The answer I was given is that "the alien residents COULD become participants in the new covenant, not just beneficiaries. Even though they were not natural Israel they still benefited in the wilderness and at 1Corinthians 10: 1-5 "They ALL were baptized, they ALL ate and drank from the same rockmass, they ALL ate the manna from heaven which represented "CHRIST" and this is reiterated again in John 6:31-59 when Christ was telling his disciples that He was "The Bread of Life" and that ANYONE can eat his flesh and drink his blood (partake or communion)
We know it is recorded that they entered into this covenant with Moses as the mediator in 539 b.c.e. (think this the date) on Mount Sinai. And that in John 10:16 Christ mentions "Other Sheep" not of the Little flock (fold) and that THEY, the other sheep which would correspond to the alien residents or the great crowd would enter into this fold and BECOME "ONE FLOCK" together under ONE Shephard. It does not separate them as the WT continually does every year at the memorial when they read this.
Something I just wanted to share as I wondered this also at one time.
1. my husband's time is finite, it's wasted on spouses arguing over money, sex or family mattters with stupid home visits.. .
i hate people's constant open hand for money, it's the weak individuals asking others to pull their weight.
my family worked extra hours instead of begging the strong members for district assembly money, cat food for seven cats or tiny little rag-a-muffins weiner dogs.. .
I am deeply in the something I can't leave, it's my whole life and who can I mention any of my feelings to? We had a meeting part on and the emphasis on keeping away from other websites (local needs part) so I don't think anyone from my circuit will visit this site. My husband is not a listening person,
I hate my parents because they pushed me to join the religion
Newchapter where I am suppose to go at this point in my life, I have almost sixty years invested around this group. My whole life revolves around Jehovah's Faithful Slave and obeying their righteous help, the world is spinning out of control and the Slave is my own life-line. I have nothing to gain and everything to loose by walking away from those with "Sayings of life". It might seem simple to you but my social life, other family members are part of my anchor in the crazy zoo.
Hello Aunt Connie
But you can leave? You choose not too. I can relate to probably just about all of your scenerio, and I am truly sorry for your pain that has made you so angry and full of hate. May I mention and it has already, the fact that you are hear venting to a group of people that you would be disfellowshipped for associating with shows you actually are "NOT revolved around obeying the so-called faithful slave that you profess to obey."
You say..... "The Slave is your own life-line?" You have "Nothing to gain and everything to lose"
Where your heart has gone and how you feel, what have you actually gained? And what have you lost? Other than eventually your sanity like the rest you condemn?
This Slave being your "life-line" and where are you to "walk away ?" The Bible you refer to does not say it is a "THOSE " that has "SAYINGS OF LIFE" it is a "WHOM".... That WHOM being Christ. Reread John 6:68
It is Christs yoke that is Kind, mild, and refreshing! Matthew 11:28-30 It is His Load that is light! The load you have been following is NOT! It is one of a master that is brutal and unloving and does not care for its sheep. They are wolves in sheeps covering. Therefore, when the sheep are skinned, tortured and abused enough, THEY SCATTER! John 10:7-15
Some are FOUND! And Christ says "COME TO ME" those that burdened down.
Some of us had to get to be wounded pretty bad before we made "A CHOICE" to leave. Many of us have made HUGE sacrifices (jobs, mates,children,families) to stand up to that organization that calls themselves "The Truth" but is a "LIE"
So....Just how much you can take is YOUR choice. None of us can make that for you. But for ME, I have never regretted leaving dispite the sacrifices that were made. Undersdtanding the love of Christ and how merciful and loving he really is, is NOTHING I was EVER taught in that WTBS!!!
I wish you the best
Hope I can help
may you all have peace!.
so, as some of you might know (or discern)... or not... i am not your usual submissive/in subjection kind of girl.
given what some apparently expect of women... as wives, daughters, female friends... and in general... i was curious about the greater fulfillment of genesis 3:16, because many are of the belief that it applies to all women as to all men... (including those that aren't their husbands)... and not the just one being addressed at the time (eve as to adham).. personally, other than paul's position on women teaching in public (which was borne of what was occurring in the region at the time, due to by-then jewish culture and roman occupation)... and peter's admonishment for wives to submit themselves to their own husbands... that i know of nothing that validates a woman being in subjection to anyone other than her own husband, and even then such "subjection" is not puerile or unrestrained (so as to just be a given), but borne of love and respect for her husband (in which case it should not be difficult)... who is obligated to honor her, as well.
Thank you Vanderhoven7
Eph 5:21 Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
Eph 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
Eph 5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
Eph 5:24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
Eph 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
Eph 5:26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
Eph 5:27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
Eph 5:28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
Eph 5:29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
Eph 5:30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
Eph 5:31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
Eph 5:32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
Eph 5:33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she respect her husband.
There is no conflict between verse 21 and verse 33. In fact verse 33 merely sums up verses 22-32 and clarifies what that submission looks like in terms of gender role. Being called to nourish/take care of your wife's every need is servanthood and submission of the highest order.
So with verse 30 also here in context doesn't this apply to the body of Christ only ? Christ being the husband/wife role loving us as he does his own body. (which he already demonstrated by giving the ultimate sacrifice) and those of the body submitting and subjecting themselves to one another? as well as to their husbandly owner Christ?
jus askin
may you all have peace!.
so, as some of you might know (or discern)... or not... i am not your usual submissive/in subjection kind of girl.
given what some apparently expect of women... as wives, daughters, female friends... and in general... i was curious about the greater fulfillment of genesis 3:16, because many are of the belief that it applies to all women as to all men... (including those that aren't their husbands)... and not the just one being addressed at the time (eve as to adham).. personally, other than paul's position on women teaching in public (which was borne of what was occurring in the region at the time, due to by-then jewish culture and roman occupation)... and peter's admonishment for wives to submit themselves to their own husbands... that i know of nothing that validates a woman being in subjection to anyone other than her own husband, and even then such "subjection" is not puerile or unrestrained (so as to just be a given), but borne of love and respect for her husband (in which case it should not be difficult)... who is obligated to honor her, as well.
Good morning Soft and Gentle...
I am sorry that you had to be put in this situation. But I am happy that you were able to stand up on your hubbys defense and not cower to how unloving these elders can be. Am also glad that you can and let it role off. That is the spirit of LOVE! Maybe they will pick up on this and learn from it.
Thanks for sharing this story
there were 11,202 partakers in 2010. and 11,824 partakers in 2011.. there was an increase of 622 or 5.5% in one year.. your thoughts?.
source: 2012 yearbook (in spanish).
Quote from Frankie
May be this increase in partakers might be responcible for the Faith & Discrete Slave understanding change recently anounced. The Governing Body feel threaten with this increase and so gave more authority to themselves declaring only the annointed on the Governing Body are the F&DS trying to avoid any scriptural claims of newly cliamants to teach in opposition to the Governing Body.
Yes Frankie
I agree completely! This has a huge bearing on this decision as they have to tighten once again this control that they have seen themselves losing. Too much dissention and they aren't going to admit they've been wrong about anything nor that they have unjustly disfellowshipped certain ones as apostates that never really were to begin with!
Thanks for that