Alright i'll be the first since everyone's not addressing the thread like the originator probably hoped.
lets see...which one should i
A friend of mine was sitting across from me in her families backyard alone and we were talking about spirits. She suddenly decided to get up and said ' we need to go inside' ....I said 'why?' ...she said 'there's a spirit around here.' I looked around and didn't see anything. I said 'what's it doing here' ...she said its like a lighting rod is attracting it. And i became upset internally thinking...'go f#$king figure. I can't ever be the always has to be the psychic in the room, or the one with Gifts and so forth. i can't be special' ..I made a comment about it being attracted to herand she said, 'it's not attracted to me.' And It was just both of us outside alone. I was more intrigued now. I wanted to see this and started repeatedly saying 'I wanna see it' internally. and started looking around. I kept looking around trying to find it among the trees and...I am not making this up.....something switched in my mind....and suddenly there was a huge ...giant face. And it grinned/was grinning at me (can't remember). It scared the crap out of me and i pointed to it and asked me friend if its there....(smart right? LETS POINT AT THE SPIRIT THAT'S 'EVIL' GRINNING AND AFTER ME)she confirmed it was within that region and quickly pulled me into her house. We went inside and she did some stuff and said that her house was a 'protected place' and that nothing could get inside cause it wasn't 'allowed.' She then stated that it was circling the house. I left that night and went home and the next day she told me that It was speaking latin to her. She didn't know what it meant and had to look it up. the translation was something like 'he is mine' if she got in the way. She also said that she began BURNING up (body temperature)and couldn't sleep that night cause of it.
That's one of my experiences.
p.s. Halloween is whatever day you want it to be. I recommend Memorial evening at the Jehovah's Witness kingdom hall ...wearing a pink tutu if your a guy passing out watchtower and awake magazines and 'a pretend Drunk girl' from a prom if your a girl.