Anyway, I asked because a dear one and I were reminiscing over "spiritual" things that occurred with us early on. On such occurrence is when the dear one "heard" something from my Lord... and believed it... but still had to look it up. Of course, the one already knew it was true but had to "see" it, in writing, with his eyes. As we were talking about this, I heard my Lord say, "Many wonder why they don't hear... and it's because they listen... with their eyes. They may have heard it, but they don't believe it until they SEE it."
Shelby let me ask you to further explain this a little bit because i've been freakin-wondering about this very thing. I understand what i'm about to say is contraverisal and if you do not believe, that's alright. Lets say the ancient Astronaunt theory is true.... (brief run down:
1)Aliens came from distant stars down to earth in order to either
a)bring back minerals to their home planet for usage and needed to bring about genetic changes in our DNA in order to have us become more evolved individuals for their laborous works and were perceived as 'gods' because of their technological advances.
b)Came to assist in the evolutionary (not ape to man thing) process of becoming morally correct people in order to 'become perfect' and perhaps recieve enterance to the kingdom. This being because of Adam's original sin...and coming down to earth being given fleshly bodies...etc...
c) A and B
It is believed in this Ancient Astronaunt theory that a lot of the things around the world have striking resembalances to what we have today...rockets...choppers...etc.. and that various forms of technology that was far beyond the grasp of ancient man was then described in the best way possible from the things they knew. For example the biggest one is Chariots of the Gods. Where Ezekiel seeing the 'wheels within wheels' ...was a reference to SOME sort of Alien technology that he didn't know of. Supposedly if you note the account with the idea of a space ship with beings coming apparently makes more sense. Or the vast amount of evidence of vitrification that occurs only when certain parts of the world is exposed to intense heat beyond just physical fire...that occured at the Atomic bomb site...however, evidence has been found in remote parts of the world with the same situation...but can only occur with nuclear blasts (but man back then didn't have that). or the situations in the bible...where it talks about people that were not worthy to get close to the Ark ...started to loose their hair and nails, which sounds a lot like radiation posioning (history channel).
Back in the ancient days ...the 'gods' came to men...and proclaimed or either were viewed as gods and started sharing knowledge with the people. Greek Mythology...Roman Mythology...
Now we do have accounts in the bible about Nephilim, who left their place in heaven and came down and took on wives. Now that makes all sense and everything (in it's own way). My question how would I know if i was living in those times where to place my faith ...there where they were around? or even now? We may need 'eyes ' to see when you hear something...that i know and understand...and i understand that's a 'lack of faith' ...
how can you distinguish the difference between making an assumption..or practicing faith..or believing a voice? Kes states i assume WAYYYYY too much. A lot of times, what i've been taught by him about how the Master like THINK something..and even though it's an assumption...not knowing it's an assumption and therefore taking it as his voice. How many times has faith been misplaced? Countless... Whenever I put faith in to something it comes out wrong...or what is it that I should hear anymore? So ..i'm not suprized if someone 'looks it up' ...We all know im not the ...loyalist son in the earth... If anything, give me the only voice of truth, and help me accept it ....but my motive behind it is wrong. so... i don't know. How do you put faith in something, when there's SOOOOO many things that lead you astray. Modern science would say 'I want proof' ... but people like me are considered stupid when we believe in things ..and it doesn't come out true...andwe're just trying to Believing without needing proof.
I use to say all the time 'listen to music with your eyes, not your ears.' ...and i understand this is not the same thing...but i find the irony behind it.