Maybe you should have her speak to my girlfriend who seems to say the opposite of EVERYTHING I say
i have someone in my family that is a jw and she has engaged me in conversation.
for the record, i consider myself an evangelical christian.
after some debate and research, i backed out of a verse by verse debate and switched the convo to get on some common ground, asking if she believe the bible was the inspired word of god.
Maybe you should have her speak to my girlfriend who seems to say the opposite of EVERYTHING I say
everywhere i've gone, no matter what, there's always a 'popularity contest' (which i'm a loser to)... whether it was in the organization (based on how high you went up the chain of command or who you married for the sisters), the school system such as high school, college, etc.. or job.
who does the hardest work, who does what, when how.
even on this website.
Ok so I leave and get started with work and think 'another post most people wont really get into' and come back to THIS! POW! ...I've also been nominated by FoundSheep (thank you)...XD I volunteer the person that al ot of people don't like, but deserves to be in this poll (although she wont care) AGuest! ... I think most of the 7-8 page posts have her in there XD ... (not disrespecting shelby) I will talley up the points when the last person responds with 2 days apart.
p.s. thanks foundsheep, that actually meant a lot.
everywhere i've gone, no matter what, there's always a 'popularity contest' (which i'm a loser to)... whether it was in the organization (based on how high you went up the chain of command or who you married for the sisters), the school system such as high school, college, etc.. or job.
who does the hardest work, who does what, when how.
even on this website.
Everywhere I've gone, no matter what, there's always a 'popularity contest' (which i'm a loser to)... Whether it was in the organization (based on how high you went up the chain of command or who you married for the sisters), the school system such as high school, college, etc.. or Job. Who does the hardest work, who does what, when how. Even on this website. There USE to be a contest about who has the most posts. Who is the 'jedi master' etc.. I've always found myself being on the wall. So ...lets put it out there...
vote now....and the winner, will get absoultely..........NOTHING! (Keep in mind how many posts you have does not mean you're the most popular. )
it's 21 october and no rapture, no armaggeddon, no nothing.
camping and obves, where are you?.
the society predicted something for this day?
it has been awhile for me to post anything.
i have been very, very busy.
yesterday i past all of my rough-in electrical and plumbing inspections all my drywall will be up today and tape and muded.
You should call the shop 'Police Headquarters'
My girlfriend and I are trying to invite people for a little halloween party, but I can't afford a huge party. I threatened to dress up as a jehovahs witness. (still have my suits somewhere) I guess that's better than dressing up as Adam (last year threat)
it is in the nature of man to want to have more than one woman.. a man cannot help himself.
he was born that way.. if it was legal, men would have multiple wives, two, three, maybe ten if he could afford it.. that's all.. jdw .
Dude....i can barely handle ONE women, how the HELL am I going to deal with TWO? They'd drive me CRAZY! i'll wake up with my head in Utah and Penis and Afghanistan.
I think it's $13.99 at walmart
since i was a sister at the kingdom hall, i was a little confused when the brothers give talks as a kid.
do the brother work around an outline, or do they write around the outline.
how does this work?.
Yes they do! Here's a letter!
"To The Elders of the Congregation of Bullshit Please follow these guidelines:
A) Introduction and welcome
E)Sugar Coat Material
F)Present Logical Fallacies
PS: Results may vary "
what was the best joke you ever heard as you were growing up?.
in a psychiatrist's waiting room two patients are having a conversation.
the second answers, "i'm napoleon, so the doctor told me to come here.".
Whats bruce lee's favorite drink? WATAAAAAR!
Now wait, that wasn't very funny.