I'm not sure if i want a masturbating monkey as my avatar though. Got anything else? What about this one? It's so...'IT WAS YOU! YOU WITH THE CANDLE STICK IN THE LIVING ROOM AT MIDNIGHT KILLED THE PROFESSOR!' feel to it.
oh god...this is going to piss everyone off..i swear this is the last time i'm gonna talk about this.. .
outlaw voted: kfc/beer/my humour and... .
88% of the world population was voted in by outlaw .....disqualified due to multiple votes for individual person in a generalized population as 1 vote does not count...plus 88% of the world isn't popular.. voices 3 (pitty votes really xd).
I'm not sure if i want a masturbating monkey as my avatar though. Got anything else? What about this one? It's so...'IT WAS YOU! YOU WITH THE CANDLE STICK IN THE LIVING ROOM AT MIDNIGHT KILLED THE PROFESSOR!' feel to it.
oh god...this is going to piss everyone off..i swear this is the last time i'm gonna talk about this.. .
outlaw voted: kfc/beer/my humour and... .
88% of the world population was voted in by outlaw .....disqualified due to multiple votes for individual person in a generalized population as 1 vote does not count...plus 88% of the world isn't popular.. voices 3 (pitty votes really xd).
LOL Sizemik! That's funny.
i don't copy. Sorry. I may have found the picture on my own but that doesn't mean I copied someone else's avatar here. but since it's bothering you sooooooooo much....ill change it. JUST for you Shamus ;) uh.....no pickle custome though eh? alright...maybe a cucumber one? I mean really, a pickle is just a drunk cucumber isn't it?
my cat semone: "i swear that's not my shit in your shoe!".
oh sure...like my girlfriend decided to fill it up.. me.
ROFLOL i've heard similar joke but different scenerio. lol
oh god...this is going to piss everyone off..i swear this is the last time i'm gonna talk about this.. .
outlaw voted: kfc/beer/my humour and... .
88% of the world population was voted in by outlaw .....disqualified due to multiple votes for individual person in a generalized population as 1 vote does not count...plus 88% of the world isn't popular.. voices 3 (pitty votes really xd).
You don't need to be modest Shamus. Seriously, here's the costume:
Now...it would only increase your 'adoreability' to wear this....i mean seriously....look at how CUTE she looks. Isn't she adoreable? XD
I actually wanted this for christmas so i can prank my girlfriends parents and walk home to them and sit down on their dining room table like nothing's abnormal.
are there any stories out there of any innocents being setup and df'd?.
I questioned 1 thess 4:17 and Daniel prophecies of the four kings.........wrote a 11page (small print) report...got d'fd
oh god...this is going to piss everyone off..i swear this is the last time i'm gonna talk about this.. .
outlaw voted: kfc/beer/my humour and... .
88% of the world population was voted in by outlaw .....disqualified due to multiple votes for individual person in a generalized population as 1 vote does not count...plus 88% of the world isn't popular.. voices 3 (pitty votes really xd).
aww Shamus ...Did you want a bacon costume? ......I have a pickle one if you want it.
oh god...this is going to piss everyone off..i swear this is the last time i'm gonna talk about this.. .
outlaw voted: kfc/beer/my humour and... .
88% of the world population was voted in by outlaw .....disqualified due to multiple votes for individual person in a generalized population as 1 vote does not count...plus 88% of the world isn't popular.. voices 3 (pitty votes really xd).
In Respoinse to N.drew:
Oh screw that. I would totally rigg the election. I mean COME ON.......BRUSSEL SPROUTS WON!
IT'S NOT EVEN HUMAN! If I did the polls...we'll end up having the peice of toast who was spotted walking across the street while halucinating under extreme sleep deprivation drive from cross country trip, to presidential status.
Gives a new meaning to 'Lets raise a toast to the President of the United States of America'
ROFLOL PaintedToeNails!
ok a non-pet joke but still connected through the whole genie lamp thing: There's a Elder, Ministerial Servant, and Pioneer walking in the orchid. They stumble upon a Genie from a magical lamp. The Genie says 'since there's three, you only get 1 wish each' ...so the Pioneer says 'hmm I want to be a ministeral Servant!' POOF! ...he becomes one. The Ministerial Servant says: "I want to be an Elder! " POOF! ....he becomes one. the Elder thinks about it for a while and says 'well..i'm already at the top of this congregation...what could I want? I guess...I want to know whats going on in the entire congregation" POOF! the genie turns him into a sister
So apparently the sisters are the highest! See....i KNEW IT!
oh god...this is going to piss everyone off..i swear this is the last time i'm gonna talk about this.. .
outlaw voted: kfc/beer/my humour and... .
88% of the world population was voted in by outlaw .....disqualified due to multiple votes for individual person in a generalized population as 1 vote does not count...plus 88% of the world isn't popular.. voices 3 (pitty votes really xd).
FoundSheep......uh.......what? Clarification? I think you responded to my other new post on this one!
My ex