Oh god...this is going to piss everyone off..I swear this is the last time i'm gonna talk about this.
OUTLAW voted: KFC/Beer/My Humour and..
88% of the world population was voted in by OUTLAW .....disqualified due to multiple votes for individual person in a generalized population as 1 vote does not count...plus 88% of the world isn't popular.
Voices 3 (pitty votes really XD)
WaterSprout 2
Simon 2
Outlaw 2
Sylvia 2
WaterSprout 2
AGuest 1
FoundSheep 1
uh...Jehovah 1
Egg 1
Minimus 1
Neomadman 1
PSacremento 1
Mrs. Jones 1
LeavingWT 1
NoRegrets 1 *voted him/herself....nice*
Successor 1
Snowbird 1
Otwo 1
Mr. Flipper 1
WontLeave 1
Quendi 1
NRFG/Miz 1
Shamus 1
N Drew 1
Da Cheech - Least popular per preference
And ...the winner.....the most talked about person on the voting thread is.......
Brussel Sprouts....with 6 people's votes of 'liking.'
Alright enough is enough. i'm sick of talking about them now