Welcome Cherrypye,
I'm sitting at my desk shaking my head. Your story doesn't sound out of the ordinary for this weird JW world yet I am still surprised that anyone has had to go through what you have.
You have shown incredible commitment in working so hard for an organisation at such a young age. That shouldn't be forgotten. If you had worked for a proper charity your efforts would still be recognised today. You would still be treated with respect if you ever walked through the doors of that charity and thanked for all your hard work and what it had achieved. It would have been something you could be very proud of.
Instead you are being punished in an unloving way because you don't want to carry on. In fact you are almost being penalised for having been so zealous. If you'd never got baptised or at least had never pioneered your leaving would probably have been easier and you might not be treated so badly by your family.
What I find more than a little shocking is that you are allowed to commit to something at the age of 9. By 16 you have changed your mind yet there is no way to get out of that lifelong contract. It's as if you sold yourself into slavery, never to be a free person again as far as your family are concerned.
How you responded at the funeral is exactly how I would hope to if that situation does one day arise for me. I have clocked that. Thank you.
Parents who treat their children the way you are being treated is unloving, controlling and selfish. It's certainly is not what Jesus would have done. It seems they have tried every way to punish you.
Don't agree to see the elders under any circumstances. If they try and see you then cite the funeral - that you never want to see them again.
Show your family love (for your own wellbeing) and also start to train them not to preach to you. When they do preach counter it with a question that makes them think - they won't like that.