This site is poisonous. Not because it speaks against JW’s but because all of you are not concerned with the truth. Are you all out volunteering you time in support of the orphans, sick, and poor no. You all are focused on internalized anger, regret, and confusion.
Judge&Jury70 please lets consider volunteering - I suspect you mean more than some numbers on a piece of paper of hours spent in the so called ministry. I suspect you are talking about what JW's do to actually help the sick, the orphans or the poor. I for one have always been interested in the millions of poor orphans displaced in refugee camps. It was a surprise to me to learn they would be there on average for 7-10 years. So they would also lose out on any education too during their childhood. To run those camps takes serious organisation, serious funds and serious volunteers. Yet the WBTS damns the organisations who try and help and yet does nothing itself to help them. You see a dying orphan needs medical care, food, education, a sustainable living - not the damnation from a religious cult of those who would dare to try and provide those things?
Next time you visit a refugee camp on the boarders of Syria or in the Sudan please let us know of the extensive work of JW's to help those sick, poor orphans. Before you judge those on JWN with your "free thought", your reductive accusations and own misdirected anger please consider what volunteering actually is. Until that point don't judge those on this site for debate or indeed expressing anger and regret. You've already judged us, judged me - but you don't know me or what I do.
PS I'm in group 3 with a little of group 4 (although according to Judge&Jury70 we're all in one poisonous group )