WTF?????!!!!!! I'm disfellowshiped. Would the Kingdom Hall have a memorial for me?????!!!! I find this very interesting. Did the Daily Star get this right about having it in the Kingdom Hall? And the elders, C.O., beth-hell are allowing this??? I was also born into this FUBAR of a religion, baptized at a young age and abused by a parent. Oh . . . . wait a minute . . . . I'm not known world-wide and I don't have millions that can be donated to the society. I would actually be shocked if the society allows this "memorial" to take place, really shocked if it is in a Kingdom Hall.
JoinedPosts by RebeccaChi
Proud Kids' Tribute To Dad Jacko
by Mythbuster inmichael jackson's children are to pour out their hearts about how his death has changed their lives.. prince michael, 13, paris, 12, and prince michael ii, eight - known as blanket - will read from their personal journals in a private memorial.. .
each of the king of pop's kids will speak in turn at a jehovah's witness meeting hall where jacko's mum katherine, father joe and other relatives have worshipped for more than two decades.. .
jacko, who died from an overdose of the hospital anaesthetic propofol on june 25 last year, was brought up as a strict devotee of the religion, although he rarely attended meetings in later years.. .
Cougars beware having a much younger husband can send a woman to an early grave
by Scott77 inwomen who marry men seven to nine years their junior could be upping their odds of dying sooner, german researchers report.. "one of the few possible explanations is that couples with younger husbands violate social norms and thus suffer from social sanctions," sven drefahl, from the max planck institute for demographic research (mpidr) in rostock, germany, said in a news release.
such couples could therefore be stigmatized as outsiders -- receiving less social support, enduring a more stressful life and perhaps developing poorer health as a result, drefahl speculated.. please, what is your reaction to this new research finding?
here is a link to the article..
***** Ok . . . . You failed to mention that the study also said WOMEN THAT MARRY OLDER MEN AGE QUICKER!! People fair best when they marry someone their OWN AGE!!!!
Mothers Day 1914
by joelingeorgia inmother's day was established in 1914. another clear sign that satan was cast down to earth.
in that year.
Hahaha! Mary, that was great!
How did 1975 effect your family? here's mine...
by Aussie Oz ini just spent a few days with my dad.
i asked a few questions about the time when mum became a witness which i know is still, 38 years later, a painful thing for him to talk about.
in the course of it, he also learned some stuff that he did not know about the pressures of the times.. as i expected, mum and dad have different versions of this time, and it is pretty hard to find the real truth in it and in some ways it does not matter anymore.. mums version: she first was contacted in echuca late 1960s and dad put a stop to it.
I was born in December of 75. While my mom was pregnant, all the other freaks in her congergation told her that I would be born into the paradise. Yeah right! It was more like being born into hell!
Someone should elaborate on these "practice drills" for 1975. I'm sure they are not much different than the ones I was taught while growning up. How creepy!
Get some friends on the outside. Start taking classes of some sort and start meeting more people. Also try to find an ex-Jdub meetup group in your area. When you have more support on the outside, just leave and don't look back. You cannot live life the way your mom wants you to. She makes her decisions (to be a JW) and you make yours (not to be a JW). Stop wasting your life! You are one of the smart ones, embrace it!
My brothers wedding...
by IronHill today.
he stated to me that he really wanted me to attend the ceremony, so me and lorijis will be attending the ceremony this evening.
i dont know if we'll be ready for all of the shunning that will occur, but i want to be there and so does he.. the funny thing is we never received an invitation or anything to let us know about the wedding.
Ok . . . . I'm sorry, but WTF?????!!!!!! I almost fell off my chair when I read this post. First of all, I am so sorry that you have to deal with this BS! Your brother, his wife, and any family in the f-ing cult should know better! If your brother and his wife cannot afford to get a cake, and if no one in the cult is offering one up, they should not have one! JW's have to be some of the tackiest people on Earth!! Please tell me they AT LEAST saved some for you and your wife? My guess is no. While we're on the subject of cake, why is it that every JW seems to turn into the GoodYear Blimp a year or two after they marry?! These people all seem to age twice the rate of those who are not in it.
Why did Russell look so different?
by startingover ini have a photo taken in 1915 with c. t. russell standing in a large group of men.
i have seen lots of pictures of him but usually he is by himself.
something that stood out in the picture is how different he looked from everyone else in the picture.
LOL!! Love the cough drop comment! Also, who's stupid idea was it to line the men up from tallest to shortest?! Nothing like making the shortest guy feel like the size of an ant . . . . every man's dream I'm sure.
JW Weddings, Memories, Practices, Or Common Experiences, Please Share
by Confuzzled inso the bf is out of state for a wedding.
when he told me it was today, the day before easter, during lent, i realized it was probably for one of his jw or lasped jw family members.
he also happened to mention there was no booze at the function (horrors!
I went to an Uber-JDub wedding where the speaker discussed for quite a while that the bride and groom were both virgins. If that wasn't enough, he was telling the groom to be patient with the bride, sex will be uncomfortable at first for her and she may not find enjoyment in it as quickly as he will. Again . . . this was discussed as part of the wedding talk! A lot of these overly righteous dubs are real perverts "hiding behind the cloth", or as in this cult, behind the podium.
Was You a Bethelite, Elder,CO, DO, GB, Publisher, Missionary,Ministerial Servant or Pioneer class?????
by Scott77 inwhen still in the watchtower, i used to be an assistant ministerial servant.
true, there is no such title but its there unofficially for those one step to being a ministerial servant.
been with it for about three years.
I did a lot of auxiliary pioneering from the age of 13, to a few years before I left at the age of 21.
Witchettygrub -
Pretty much everything in the movie was delusions and dreams Leonardo was having due to his emotions and memories. The dreams all were kinda coming together as the movie progressed. The early dreams showed the intense love between him and his deceased wife. The little girl was asking him why he didn't protect her and her brothers from their mom. When the car blew up, the little girl went to his wife to hold her hand. The wife seemed surprised. (The little girl was forgiving her.) The last dream was the sad reality of what really happened. His beloved wife was mentally ill, started their apartment on fire. He most likely hid that fact from the police (think elders in congregations, haha!) and moved his family to the country hoping the scenery would help her to "recover". After coming home and finding his kids dead and hearing his wife talk beyond crazy, he shot her. He was sickened by her actions, her comments, and though he loved the sane side of her, he couldn't handle her insane side. Guessing he probably was planning on shooting himself as well . . . Anyways, I think the gist of the movie was about what would take a happy, normal, intelligent person to completely lose it. How much could the mind possibility take before going completely insane. During the movie we thought how much more could this guy take from this crazy institution before he goes crazy himself? Well, he was already "crazy" (for good reason) when he got there! The docs were there to help him recover, sympathetic to his situation, but not wanting him to physically hurt others during his insanity. After that last dream the docs said that he got better in the past, but relapsed a few times. They let him live out his delusions (the majority of movie) in an extreme attempt to cure him once and for all. This "experiment" most likely worked. Leonardo couldn't live with the truth, it was too painful to remember the death of his family. He was playing his psychiatrist (his partner) pretending he thought the docs on the island were out to get him. The psychicatist and other docs all seemed sad and disappointed thinking he would never be sane again. (Again, these were good people trying to help him.) He wanted the lobotomy (scraping of frontal lobes which erases lots of memory) because he couldn't live with the truth. He told his psychiactist he would "rather die a good man than live like a monster". Remember the psychiactrist jumped up at that point as Leonardo was walking away. He realized that L wanted the surgery to erase all of the pain, being well meant remembering the past and having to deal with it from day to day. The psychiactist did not speak up to the other doctors, having empathy for Leonardo and his decision. Who could and would want to live with that?