MS: "Under U.S. law at this moment the individual becomes legally bound to whatever internal governing is established by the Church."
I don't think this is correct. What U.S. law?
jehovahs witnesses an organization?.
today i added a new article to my blog addressing a particularly dirty trick played on jehovahs witnesses.
it has to do with watchtowers legal maneuvering to place and keep its harsh religious shunning practice beyond reach of secular law enforcement.
MS: "Under U.S. law at this moment the individual becomes legally bound to whatever internal governing is established by the Church."
I don't think this is correct. What U.S. law?
jehovahs witnesses an organization?.
today i added a new article to my blog addressing a particularly dirty trick played on jehovahs witnesses.
it has to do with watchtowers legal maneuvering to place and keep its harsh religious shunning practice beyond reach of secular law enforcement.
Interesting clip from the Judge era. Yes, it's an example of double speak, like probably hundreds of other examples of Watchtower double speak. But I don't understand the connection to shunning or a legal burden. They can direct the shunning of whoever they want from a legal standpoint in the name of religion regardless of what they call themselves. If they want to shun born-ins who are never baptized and never joined they could do that. If they want to shun all Catholics they could do that too. I don't see any legal burden that anyone getting baptized places themselves under, unless you are talking about agreeing to the jurisdiction of Watchtower kangaroo courts.
so 2 weeks ago i received an email from the po... he wants to give my wife and i a shepherding call very soon... but get this... he mentioned that they had already made shepherding calls to the entire congo and we were the only ones left... i don't know whether i'm i supposed to feel loved or despised (by that completely irrelevant comment).
he's probably doing this to impress the co who is probably visiting soon.... my response to his email was basically: no problem... please feel free to stop by anytime... however, no need to come with a second person.
i would prefer a 1 on 1 meeting (not 2 on 1).
I have seen elders make visits alone. I think you unnecessarily tipped him off that you aren't drinking the organizational kool aid any longer with the comment about your wife. They are probably interested in checking you out for apostacy. If & when you meet with them, have your answer ready for the F&DS question.
what a sweet gig.
land a big salary, go to the best restaurants, stayed hammered at work.. metatron.
Well, doesn't the harlot serve blood of God's people cocktails at most of these UN meetings?
i saw this on facebook, posted (to the public) by an exjw named mathew tallman and i had to share it.
i freakin' love it!
mr. tallman, the owner of the tattoo said, "i used to draw a little gun in his hand during the meetings when i was a kid.
Awesome... the dinosaur from the map inside of the old bible!
question to all those well versed in legal issues.
all jw's, when confronted with criticism, claim that apostates lie about the wt.
i always have wondered, given the litigious environment in which we live in western democracies, why the wts doesn't go after all those websites that publish so many "lies" about "the truth".. can this lack of action on the part of the wts be used as evidence of the truthfulness of the message in "apostate" sites such as jwfacts,.
Normally it wouldn't really prove anything that they don't go after apostates, since it's not always worth the time and expense for institutions to go after people on the internet. But since the WTS normally likes to go after any perceived violation of their rights, it does stand out.
There is also the issue of opinion. Opinions are usually protected, even if they might be able to fairly be characterized as a "lie". For example, let's say that I write that the GB is more interested in protecting pedophiles than protecting children. Even assuming for argument's sake that it's false, there wouldn't be legal grounds since there's no way to prove what they really are interested in.
It's an interesting point. I don't know how active JWs would react to this. I suspect it would have to be someone who already has doubts. Otherwise, I doubt most JWs understand this concept and will just assume there is a good reason the WTS doesn't pursue these people. When it comes to legal matters, they like to sound the trumpets whenever they get a victory but when they lose they say it's because we're in Satan's world and everything is under his control.
ok we had the silent lambs march years ago right there at head quarter over this issue, don't you think that caused a lot of gossip, and expose on a big abc network called 20/20, and many in europe, canada, all about how bad the governing body's policies are on children.. now we have out of court settlements with victims with a gag order, conti big case, and many more.
so i would think everyone at bethel knows about the governing body's mishandleling of these matters.. i'm sure this, a long with the big new light about the governing body alone make of the faithful slave are causing many a lot of irritation and so are seeing these guys now in a different light..
Now we have out of court settlements with victims with a gag order
Even if Bethelites know something about the Conti case, you can bet that if they get gag-order settlements, knowledge of those at Bethel is strictly kept on a need-to-know basis.
i'm posting this in the public section as i would like any active witness with children to think about this carefully.. .
for those of you who haven't seen it yet, this is the picture in question :.
(source : ).
the above picture and others dealing with death is a clear case of child abuse - on the same level as a child being sexually abused.
The pictures are certainly disturbing and should not be used with children, but this comparison is still absurd.
it just hit me why none of you have a clue as to who i am or what to make of me.
you are all completely foreigners that is like crazy as shit.
most of you have not even a clue as to east coast hardcore new york philly personality types, esp of xy generation.
the hardcore people from philly new york boston virgina/dc run the world.
I have lived my entire life on the east coast and lived, worked or gone to college in all of these cities except for Boston and I don't agree with this or get this thread in general either, so I don't think it's all geographical.
meteorite explodes over russiamarch 4, 2013 | russia.
on february 15, 2013, a meteorite exploded over the southern ural mountain region of chelyabinsk, russia, injuring over a thousand, damaging buildings, and producing shock waves that blew out windows in many homes.
local witness elders quickly mobilized to contact all of the jehovahs witnesses in the affected area.
This is just paving the way for next BOE letter to roll out the Kingdom Hall Meteorite Assistance Arrangement. (KHMAA) For just $0.08 per publisher per month to the Society, the Kingdom Hall can be now insured against Meteorites.